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Balfour Stage 2 Outdoor Water Conservation Measures Rescinded

By Contributor
September 7th, 2014

Balfour water restriction practices have been valuable in diverting daily peak demand.

Throughout July and August, Balfour’s Water Systems experienced high demands. This high demand was primarily the result of increased outdoor use during the hot weather. Water consumption has now returned to normal seasonal levels.

Stage 1 Water Conservation Measures are in effect from June 1 to September 30 every year regardless of seasonal weather patterns. Watering of lawns, gardens, trees and shrubs should only occur between the hours of 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. Watering using a watering can or hand held hose, may be undertaken at any time.

The Regional District of the Central Kootenay would like to thank residents for their efforts to conserve water over the last few months.

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