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Innovation and conservation recognized in new plant

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
November 8th, 2010

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily

An innovative and energy-saving approach to water treatment in the Arrow Creek area just east of Creston has earned the regional district a provincial award.

FortisBC has handed the Regional District of Central Kootenay’s Arrow Creek water treatment plant works supervisor, Robin Douville, a PowerSense Conservation Excellence award for his work with the new $9-million Arrow Creek plant.

The award recognizes six corporate winners across the province that have shown a commitment to innovation, conservation and sustainability by completing energy efficiency projects that save over 100,000 kWhs annually.

“Robin Douville is one of the major reasons we are excelling in our water systems,” said Area B director and board vice chair John Kettle.

The winners must achieve energy savings by incorporating energy efficiency measures into new facilities or upgrade projects.

Douville spearheaded the project, and was motivated to save energy, to run the ultra violet (UV) lamps more efficiently. Working with the manufacturer Trojan, the Interior Health Authority and design engineers, the number of UV lamps at the plant was reduced from six to four lamps.

The plant now runs four lamps at 40 per cent capacity, rather than six lamps at 60 per cent capacity, resulting in a savings of 180,876 kWh per year. The energy savings were so substantial that the retrofit project had a payback of a mere 16 months.

This award is the second time Fortis BC has recognized the Regional District for excellence in energy conservation. In 2009 the RDCK received a Fortis BC PowerSense award for the Ymir water treatment plant.


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