Today’s Poll

Lyon, Jay

(February 26th, 2024)

Jay Lyon: A Journey Through Melodies and Miles

As the sun sets on a remarkable journey, we bid farewell to Jay Lyon, who passed away on February 26, 2024, just before his 78th trip around the sun. Jay’s life was a rich tapestry woven with vibrant threads of adventure, music, love, and laughter.

Born on November 29, 1946, Jay’s zest for life was evident from his early days. An accomplished athlete, he made waves in swimming, track, and most notably as a standout goaltender and backup goaltender for Team Canada’s Junior hockey team. His adventurous spirit led him from the Canadian army to exploring North America’s vast landscapes, primarily by hitchhiking. The 1960s counterculture drew him to Woodstock, profoundly shaping his life’s melody with an unwavering appreciation for connection and music.

Music was Jay’s heartbeat. A gifted singer-songwriter, he crafted over 50 songs, bringing his soulful tunes to life with various bands, intimate gatherings and performances at festivals some of which he created like The Barnes Creek Faire and Ragnarok. His last performance, a heartfelt show with his Rooftop Band in Baja, Mexico, on December 15, 2023, echoed the joy and passion that music brought to his life.

He leaves behind the love of his life, Jane; his son, T’ai; and his cherished grandchildren, Soleil, Tuula, and Romani, who will miss his stories of road adventures, his love for The Band, the Toronto Blue Jays, his passion for Roman history, and the joy he found in his favorite dogs.

In the spirit of Jay, we invite all who knew and loved him to a celebration of life on July 1, 2024, in Ymir, coinciding with what would have been his 50th wedding anniversary with Jane.  It’ll be a day of stories, songs, and the spirit of connection that Jay cherished so deeply.

In lieu of flowers, Jay’s wish was for support to be directed to KAAP (animal rescue), a cause close to his heart.

Let’s honor Jay’s memory by spreading kindness, nurturing connections, and living fully, just as he did.

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