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SD 8 hosts late French Immersion program information session January 30

Parents interested in having their children be part of the School District 8 (Kootenay Lake) French Immersion Program are in luck as the district has opened up 60 spaces for students entering Grade 6 for the 2013-14 school year. The Program is located at Trafalgar Middle School for Grades 6-8, and continues for grades 9-12 ...

Human conditions: Socialism’s dream or the machinery of matter?

“Being determines consciousness, not consciousness, being.” “Philosophers have until now merely interpreted the world; the point is to change it.”                                                        - Charles Henry Marx “The crisis is not material, physical, or scientific, the crisis is spiritual.” “No one is transformed...

LETTER: A modest proposal for the BC Liberals, the Ministry of Education, and SD20

Dear madames/sirs, Nobody can deny that our government needs to focus on the citizens that count. We cannot continue to spend money on education, health care and social services while the population using those services are barely  paying into the tax base. Less than 3% of children and teens attending school earn an income,...

Making resolutions for 2013? Resolve to be safe

As the new year begins, so do thoughts of resolutions. While most resolutions involve vows to exercise more and adopt healthy eating habits, BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) has three suggestions for resolutions that can make the world a safer place for you, your family and your community. Learn CPR. BCAS attends 2,400 to 2,800 ...

2012 Kootenay Contraption Contest sets record for entries, solves looming energy crisis

How will we use less energy in the year 2050? That answer just became a little clearer courtesy the hopes, dreams, imagination and creativity of 143 Kootenay Boundary students. The annual Kootenay Contraption Contest put on by the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST), GLOWS (Growing Learning Opportunities ...

School Christmas concert series starting to heat up

The Christmas Concert series is in full swing at most elementary schools in Kootenay Lake School District 8. Highlighting the festivities is the first annual Hume School Family Fun and Craft night Friday (December 14) at the Fairview school on Nelson Avenue. There will be a full night of entertainment along with numerous...

WHAT'S HAPPENING AT LVR — with Connor Banks

L.V. Rogers Grade 12 student Connor Banks has agreed to give The Nelson Daily readers insight into what's happening at the Fairview-based school witih a column throughout the school term. From arts to sports to news about upcoming anything and everything at LVR, including information on the upcoming 2013 Graduation Ceremonies...

WHAT'S HAPPENING AT LVR — with Connor Banks

The Nelson Daily welcomes L.V. Rogers Grade 12 student Connor Banks as guest columnist for the present school term. Banks, among the many other duties of a senior student at LVR, will be periodically deliver the news from the Fairview-based secondary school. From arts, to sports to news about the upcoming anything and everything...

Interior Health partners with local governments to build healthier communities

Imagine living in a community where you can walk or ride your bike safely, where the air is fresh and clean, and where healthy food and opportunities for physical activity are easily accessible and affordable for all. Through the Healthy Communities Initiative, Interior Health aims to make this vision a reality.                    ...

Walsh wins trustee by-election in a walk

Sheri Walsh of Crescent Valley won Saturday’s Kootenay Lake School District  trustee by-election by a landslide over challenger Bob Price. Walsh won the trustee race by a wide 245-36 margin over the Bonnington resident. The by-election was held after former trustee Barb Lindsay left the position to pursue a volunteer opportunity...

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