Letter: Rec Commission Chair responds to Nelson Sports Council
To The Editor: Dear Board members: RE: Open Letter to the Community At its April 27, 2022 public meeting, Nelson & District Recreation Commission received your open letter of April 13, 2022. Following discussion on the open letter, Nelson & District Recreation Commission (“the Commission”) wanted to acknowledge receipt...
Letter: Nelson Regional Sports Council voices concern
To The Editor: Open letter to the Community Hello. We the Nelson Regional Sports council — a volunteer board advocating for sport in our community — are submitting this information to the community as a whole via news outlets and directly to the Recreation 5 commission set up by RDCK (Regional District of Central Kootenay)...
Letter: Story of two of Nelson's Historical Landmarks
To The Editor: As I watch the deconstruction of the former Mount Saint Francis Hospital, while recalling the “stories of former staff of the long-term care facility and the families of those who were cared for or died there”- Lee Reid’s book, Stories of Mount St. Francis Hospital 1950-2005, I sorrowfully...
Open Letter to the Public from Kootenay Boundary Family Physicians and Nurse Practitioners
To the citizens of Kootenay Boundary, Everyone in our region has been stressed by the COVID-19 pandemic over the last two years. We have all been subjected to a barrage of information, advice, and instructions; always evolving and sometimes conflicting. We write to explain our perspectives as Family Practitioners (Family...
Letter: War in Ukraine
To The Editor: I am deeply saddened and extremely angry at what is happening in Ukraine. You may recall that when I was your Member of Parliament I participated in a diplomatic mission with Canada’s Foreign Affairs Committee (Google MP Stetski goes to Ukraine) to Ukraine, Latvia, Poland and Kazakhstan in 2017. The purpose...
Letter: Cost of saving Nelson from wildfires
To The Editor: Nelson's fire chief submitted a report summer of 2021 regarding ways to mitigate wildfire threats. The Chief named water as the only proven effective way to effectively battle wildfires once they flare. The Chief referred to rooftop sprinklers and large capacity pumps to move water from the lake to areas of ...
Letter: Follow the science
To The Editor: In a recent newsletter from our Kootenay – Columbia MP, Rob Morrison, there were some comments with which I fully agree – follow the science and science is not a political prop. As we know, science really provides the supporting evidence behind most of the health related policies currently in place. In his...
Letter: Canadian Flag should invoke national pride
To The Editor: Recently we witnessed a renewed explosion of anger protesting protective health measures over COVID. Prior to last month, we saw smaller virulent expressions and scattered demonstrations opposing vaccines, masks or even social distancing. This time it has grown into an assault on the citizens of Ottawa, and...
Letter: Response from Truck Loggers Association of BC
To The Editor: I read with interest, an article appearing in the December 31 edition of thenelsondaily.com (Movement to protect old-growth forests in region, province gains some traction) because while I believe discussion and debate about important issues should be encouraged - they should also be centered on the facts. As...
Letter: Everyone Who's Been Suffering
To The Editor: Our world has changed Like never before and it’s so sad Every day because our lives have changed So much in life today and so many families suffering Like never before and this killer virus is here to stay And we where all caught and unaware and it’s sadness In the air and Isolated from our loved ones every ...