
Letter: Chamber clarifies housing, worker shortage and retention challenges lead labour troubles

To The Editor: Thanks to reporter Timothy Schafer and The Nelson Daily for their on-going coverage of local politics, and the story from Nov 2, headlined ‘Lifestyle leads list of labour issues as business grapples with survival.’ The Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce wanted to provide some clarity on the findings of its...

Letter: Finding middle ground is more challenging today

To The Editor: An American observer of his nation's public discourse in 2020 said this: "Americans do not understand one another, do not trust one another, and do not like one another." Canadians generally believe our public sphere is nowhere near as toxic as what is seen in the USA. I will own up to this: I really have...

Letter: BC NDP, Liberals — a too long dysfunctional relationship

To The Editor, As the mantle is being prepared to be passed down from King John to Prince David for the coronation of the new leader of the BC NDP, we should all pause to reflect. One item of reflection should be how the BC NDP (no relation to the Federal NDPs) and the BC Liberals (no relation to the Federal Liberal party) ...

Letter: Solutions needed to combat bear problem

To The Editor: I'd like to respond to a letter printed on Page 8 of the recent issue of the Nelson Star entitled “Please stop Killing Bears” written by Noreen Clayton. I have been an organic farmer for over 35 years in the Slocan Valley. Now that I live in Nelson, I continue to grow much of my own vegetables. I agree that...

Letter: Leafs dealing with issues at Recycling Centre

To The Editor: In recent weeks there has been a gathering of homeless people behind the Nelson Leafs Recycling Centre near Cottonwood Falls Park.  This has resulted in a dangerous and unsightly mess consisting of garbage, used needles and human waste.  Management of the Recycling Centre has taken this matter most seriously ...

Letter: Kootenay Lake fishery requires commitment to proper, necessary management actions

To the Editor: Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) are a member of the salmonidae family. They are the non-anadromous form of the sockeye salmon, meaning they do not migrate from the ocean to rivers. Instead they live out their entire lives in freshwater lakes like Kootenay Lake. A healthy abundance of kokanee has always been a...

Letter: Organic waste pilot project

To The Editor:   Hello Nelson Mayor/Council:   In 1994 I sent Nelson's Mayor (Dave Elliot) and council information from Guelph, Ontario, Canada's first city to have organic waste pickup to compost at a city run compost site.   I hoped the city and regional politicians would realize the importance of preventing methane release...

Letter: Clearcut logging during the climate emergency

To The Editor: Dear Premier Horgan, As a former BC NDP member, I don't get the direction your Party has been taking. A couple of days ago, peaceful land defenders were removed by the RCMP – many militarized – on the Argenta-Johnsons Landing face in a way that was heavy handed, uncalled for and illegal. According to people who...

Letter: Granite Pointe Board of directors apologizes for misunderstanding regarding efforts to protect heron habitat

To The Editor: The Granite Pointe Board Of Directors is clarifying a misunderstanding regarding the well-being of three known heron nests on the 102-year-old golf course’s property. “Granite Pointe and its board have for many years aimed to protect the course’s environmental, recreational, and historical values,” says BOD...

Letter: Actions have consequences

To The Editor: The devastation in Ukraine by Russia, obliterating apartment buildings/housing, schools, hospitals, train stations, etc., shows that Putin is determined to continue on the genocide path. Should the NATO countries continue the sanctions for some time (even after the war ends) until appropriate compensation is ...

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