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West Kootenay Officials call fouls on cancer during Pink Whistle Legacy Fund campaign

Lone Sheep Publishing
By Lone Sheep Publishing
February 28th, 2023

Basketball Officials in the West Kootenay are once again joining with their provincial colleagues to raise money and awareness in the 14th Call a Foul on Cancer — Pink Whistle Legacy Fund — which strives to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society — B.C. and Yukon Division.

West Kootenay Basketball Officials joined more than 600 Basketball Referees in the province to officiate games during the month of February using a Pink Whistle. Some of the games were also officiated with members wearing new pink referee jerseys.

The Pink Whistle campaign has a special meaning for West Kootenay Officials after the association lost one of their own, former executive member Don Dozzi, to cancer in December 2021.

Dozzi was a tireless contributor to the game of basketball in the Kootenays for more than five decades, starting his career in 1966 while attending university at Notre Dame in Nelson on the urging of former School District No. 7 Principal Tomo Naka.

Dozzi was very well respected by coaches and fellow officials throughout the province.

Anyone interested in donating to the Call a FOUL on Cancer — Pink Whistle campaign can do so at the Call a Foul on Cancer — Pink Whistle Legacy Fund link.

Anyone wanting to donate to the cause can contact : OR ask any referee at any basketball game.

In 2022, West Kootenay Officials raised more than $1,000 Call a Foul on Cancer — Pink Whistle Legacy Fund.

The high school basketball season concludes this week with West Kootenay Championship tournaments being held at J. Lloyd Crowe in Trail, Stanley Humphries in Castlegar and Grand Forks Secondary in the Boundary City.

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