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RDCK schedules re-opening of Salmo Fitness Centre for Sept. 21

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
September 11th, 2020

In a media release Friday, the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Community Services announced the targetted re-opening of the indoor weight room and fitness centre at the Salmo and District Community Complex on Monday, September 21st. 

The RDCK said this announcement is strictly focused on access to the weight room and fitness centre, while the rest of the  facility will remain closed.

The RDCK said the gymnasium is not available for use through Salmo recreation services at this time.

“We are working hard to provide the best experience while keeping everyone safe and healthy,” said Joe Chirico, General Manager of Community Services.

“We hope this is just the first of many opportunities the RDCK will be able to offer moving forward. The goal is to expand the programs and get people moving while remaining safe.”

To uses the weight room or fitness centre, users must pre-register for a dedicated time slot to come into the facility to workout.

There are no drop ins will be allowed.

Salmo will be offering  specific times throughout the day for bookings. A maximum capacity of eight (8) people will be permitted for each 75 minute time slot.

The cost will be $7, plus tax for each booking.

To register, view hours of operation and availability, go to or phone Salmo recreation at 250-357-0121 for more information.

The RDCK has updated their Leisure Access Program (LAP) and criteria. The Covid-19 Leisure Access Pass provides access to recreation facilities for families and individuals in our community who have been affected financially by COVID-19 with an opportunity to participate in RDCK recreation services.

The program provides a 50% discount on admission fees for the Fitness Centre, Arena and Aquatic Centre once open. For further information and to apply for the leisure access program, click here.

For your safety and those around you, the following procedures and guidelines must be followed in order for the RDCK to offer indoor weight room access:

  • If you are sick, stay home
  • To avoid congestion, arrive no more than five minutes prior to your session
  • Doors will be locked and a fitness technician will let pre-registered users in
  • Wait in line until it is your turn
  • Face coverings required when indoors, except when exercising or performing physical activity
  • Physical distance of 2 meters at all times
  • Everyone will get their own spray bottle and towel that is turned in at the end of their session for disinfection and laundry
  • Cost per reservation, $7.00 + tax
  • No memberships or punch passes can be used
  • Arrive dressed in your workout clothes and have a mask to wear in public areas, change rooms will not be accessible
  • Water bottle fountain is available
  • Cancellations/no shows are non-refundable

The RDCK said it understands the impact of not having regular indoor recreation programming available; the goal is to re-open areas of the facility that can be properly monitored and controlled, while abiding by COVID-19 policies and procedures.

This, above all, will keep our community safe and protect the most vulnerable by helping to keep the flatten the curve.

The RDCK appreciates the patience of all our users as we implement a new expanded service with COVID-19 policies and procedures in place. Recreation and park services will continue to be reviewed regularly as new information and protocols become available.

For up to date information regarding openings and closures of specific areas of recreation, please visit

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