RDCK issues boil water notices for Riondel, Lidster
The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) has issued a pair of boil water notices Tuesday for users on Riondel system on the East Shore in Area A and Lidster system near Creston in Area B.
The Riondel system is located the east shore of Kootenay Lake with access off of Highway 3A.
The Riondel notice has been issued due to an ongoing power outage that requires the water treatment plant to be bypassed.
Untreated water will supply the system until power is restored. The Boil Water Notice will remain in effect until treatment is reinstated and acceptable water quality results are obtained from two consecutive bacteriological tests completed in the distribution system.
The notice for Lidster is due to depleted reservoir levels resulting from an extended power outage.
Depressurization of the water mains has occurred creating a potential for the backflow of contaminants to enter the water system.
Water users may experience brief water outages as reservoir levels are replenished and are asked to limit water use to essential use only for the next 24 hours (i.e. drinking water, food preparation, no irrigation, minimal laundry/sanitary).
The RDCK and Interior Health recommend that all customers drink boiled water or a safe alternative until further notice. Water intended for drinking, washing fruits and vegetables, making beverages or ice, or brushing teeth should be boiled for one minute.
Boiled water should then be refrigerated in a clean, covered container. Customers could also choose to use bottled or distilled water.
Owners of all public facilities must post a BOIL WATER NOTICE at all sinks or drinking water fountains accessible to the public (alternatively, public fountains and taps may be turned off). As opportunities arise, they must also advise their clientele verbally of the BOIL WATER NOTICE.
For more information contact the RDCK (250) 352-8192 or visit our website at www.rdck.ca/water.