City of Nelson Announces New Heritage Award
The City of Nelson will be presenting an annual Heritage Award to an individual, group, or collective who have made an outstanding contribution towards the preservation and/or promotion of Nelson’s heritage, and to reward and encourage initiatives in support of it.
The winner will be announced at the City of Nelson’s Annual Reception on December 14.
The award comes with a $1000 honorarium.
Applications and nominations may be for individuals or groups working in the heritage field. Preference will be given to those whose work has occurred within the last calendar year.
“Heritage often brings to mind historical buildings, artifacts and archeological sites. However, the concept of cultural heritage has grown over time to include evidence of human creativity and expression as well as the natural environment. Heritage also consists of immaterial elements such as traditions, oral history, traditional craftsmanship and knowledge transmitted from generation to generation,” says Stephanie Fischer, Chair of the Cultural Development Committee.
“We are delighted that the City is recognizing community members and organisations who are involved with preserving all aspects of our heritage and creating a greater understanding and appreciation of our common history.”
The City’s Heritage Working Group has established this new award to recognize and publicly appreciate individuals, groups, businesses, or other organizations who have demonstrated leadership in heritage restoration, renewal, or promotion, and to acknowledge the contribution heritage makes to the City of Nelson’s vitality, well-being, and identity.
Deadline for submissions is October 30th.
Please contact Joy Barrett, the City of Nelson’s Cultural Development Officer at for an application or nomination form.