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Kootenay Pride Parade brings out the crowds Sunday in Nelson

Brendan Quinn
By Brendan Quinn
September 7th, 2015

It seems the entire town was out on Baker Street Sunday afternoon for the 19th annual Kootenay Pride parade.

Rainbow flags, pink boas and a million balloons could be seen flapping in the wind as throngs of people of all ages and orientations came out on Sunday to celebrate Pride.

Postal workers, teachers, the BC Nurses Union & the Nelson United Church joined members of the NDP, Wayne Stetski, Liberal Don Johnston and Bill Green of the Green Party for the march.

A wonderfully diverse crowd could be seen waving, clapping and shouting their way down Nelson’s main strip in a show of support the LGBTQ community in the Kootenays.

However, the pictures in the gallery tell the story better than words.

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