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South Slocan's Dean Siminoff uses Martial Arts to help free modern day slaves

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 6th, 2015

A program founded by a South Slocan man — Martial Arts For Justice — had a story written about him in a Colorado-based news website.

The, a media company based in Denver, Colorado, that operates a network of local news websites in USA and Canada, featured Taekwondo master Dean Siminoff in a story about Martial Arts for Justice (MAJ), an annual Break-A-Thon campaign which raises funds to help fight back against slavery and oppression.

“Martial Arts For Justice is a non-profit organization dedicated to uniting “all” martial artists for the cause of justice,” Master Siminoff said.

Master Siminoff said the nationwide Board Breaking Challenge — running in the month of April — is a chance for Martial Arts Schools in Canada to raise awareness and financial support to help free modern day slaves.

“As martial artists, many of us take student oaths that remind us of our obligations to the art, our instructors and our fellow students,” Master Siminoff told

“They also remind us that we need to support people outside our schools. When school owners participate in this campaign, it will give their students a chance to stand behind their oaths in a practical way and to take a stand against some of today’s most violent oppressors.

“Justice and defending the defenseless are core values of martial artists.”

Master Siminoff said by working hand in hand with International Justice Mission Canada, an organization that seeks justice for victims of violent oppression, we are raising awareness and financial support to fund their rescue operations to help the 36 million slaves in the world today.

The top three fundraising schools will win amazing prizes from Bushido Martial Arts & Fighting Gear Supply. Participating schools will be listed on the MAJ web site and other social media and receive other recognition as well.

Master Siminoff said not only will people be helping to directly rescue victims they will be educating your students and making an impact in your community at the same time.

In 2014 all schools combined raised more than $16,000.

The goal in 2015 is to raise $50,000 enough to rescue up to 117 modern day slaves living in violence and oppression.

For more information go to any of these websites.

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