Nelson Grans to Grans host sixth annual African Dinner
Nelson Grans to Grans African Dinner
@ United Church, Sunday, Nov. 13, 5:30 pm
The Nelson Grans to Grans will host their sixth annual African Dinner in the basement of the United Church on Nov. 13. Doors open at 4:30 pm.
This is a fundraiser with all proceeds going to the Stephen Lewis Foundation to fight Aids in Africa. Entertainment will include a silent auction and a market place.
The dinner includes: Salad, Two African Style Entrées, Rice and Couscous, Buns and Butter also Tea, Coffee, Juice and Dessert.
Tickets are on sale at Cottons and Sensations Clothes Shoppe. Price is based on a sliding scale $15 to $20 for adults and $10 for children over 12 years of age.