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Seven Basin non-profit organizations receive assistance from CBT

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
February 26th, 2011

Nelson CARES was one of seven non-profit organizations located in the Columbia Basin that will be receiving assistance from Enterprising Non-Profits (enp) for social enterprise projects.

Also receiving funding was the West Kootenay Women’s Association in Nelson and the South Kootenay Lake Community Services Society in Kootenay Bay.

The funding for these groups comes to just over 25 per cent of all funding enp is currently distributing in British Columbia.

Enp is a partnership of funders — including Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) — that promotes and supports social enterprise development and growth as a means to build strong non-profit organizations and healthier communities.

Nelson CARES used their funding for marketing the Earth Matters brand, both products and services. They received a grant to purchase the services of a marketing consultant for the development of a marketing strategy.

The WKWA created a recycled and reclaimed textile project. They received a grant to conduct a feasibility study to review the organization’s role and responsibilities in a seasonal tourism community.

In Kootenay Bay, they set up an early stage planning and preliminary research project. Their grant went to brainstorming ideas for potential social enterprise activities related to the Crawford Bay School greenhouse project.

Through CBT’s partnership with enp, Basin non-profit organizations are able to access technical support in building business ventures that help them further their objectives and be more financially sustainable.

The seven non-profit organizations receiving grants are:

• Burton Community Co-op;

• Community Connections Society of Southeast BC;

• Nelson CARES Society;

• South Kootenay Lake Community Services Society;

• Village Arts Society (Invermere);

• West Kootenay Women’s Association; and

• St. Mary’s Band Administration.

The next application deadline for enp is May 26. Non-profits wishing to apply must attend a one-day workshop. Registration is now open for the spring workshops, which will take place in Trail (April 12), Cranbrook (April 14) and Revelstoke (April 20).

Enp is a partnership of nine funders: CBT, the Vancouver Foundation, the Coast Capital Credit Union, the Vancity Credit Union, the Vancity Community Foundation, Southern Interior Trust, Northern Interior Development Trust, the Province of BC and an anonymous donor.

Find out more about enp and its granting program and workshops at

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