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No in-person spectators, Remembrance Day 2021 Ceremony a Live Stream Event

The Nelson Daily Staff
By The Nelson Daily Staff
November 2nd, 2021

For the second consecutive year, the Remembrance Day 2021 celebrations in Nelson will be held without spectators.

Instead, a large crowd surrounding the cenotaph at City Hall, organizers of the Remembrance Day 2021 Ceremony will again provide the public access through live streaming due to the COVID-19 pandemic said Branch 51 Royal Canadian Legion President Bill Andreaschuk.

“There will be no parade but there will be a small ceremony at the (Nelson) cemetery at 8 a.m. and at the cenotaph located at City Hall starting at 10:45 a.m. on the 11th of November,” Andreaschuk explained.

Due to current health regulations due COVID-19 that limit crowds in the interest of public safety, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 51 has decided to use social media to live stream event on Facebook.

Andreaschuk said by watching online, families and friends, in the comfort and safety of their home, can still honour veterans who fought during the wars to keep Canada free.

The ceremony is hosted by the Royal Canadian Legion No 51 Nelson BC Facebook group: with the public being able to view the ceremony Live Stream event at:

Andreaschuk said the many wreaths donated by citizens and businesses in Nelson will be pre-positioned at the cenotaph by Legion volunteers prior to the ceremony.

“It is important if (people) wish to attend the ceremony, they should ensure they stay social distanced,” Andreaschuk said.

Andreaschuk said the Nelson Legion Branch would like to thank the citizens of Nelson for their continued support.

“Even in these hard times the response to this year’s campaign has been exceptional,” Andreaschuk said.

“Wear your poppy proudly and please Stay Safe,” Andreaschuk added.

Last week, the Nelson Legion Branch 51 kicked off this year’s campaign as Andreaschuk presented Nelson Mayor John Dooley with the first poppy of the 2021 Legion Poppy Campaign during a ceremony in front of the cenotaph.

This year’s poppy campaign runs until November 11th with all proceeds going to assist veterans, seniors and youth groups in the Nelson area.

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