Nelson Municipal Election 2011: Charles Jeanes not your conventional municipal politician
By Charles JeanesI am from Ontario, which I jokingly call Onterrible. Why “terrible?” It is the picture for me of an over-developed place, too many urban wastes, and too many people too close together. I am a graduate of Trent and Guelph universities, and I loved the rural lands around those towns. I lived rurally when I...
Nelson Municipal Election 2011: Paula Kiss takes next step in community involvement
Nelson was the perfect fit for Paula Kiss when she began her search for a new home five years ago.Raised on a farm just outside Paradise Hill, Sask., she was looking for her piece of paradise where she could become an active and contributing member of society. She found it in Nelson as it fully met her list of ideal community...
Making childcare work for your family discussion in Nelson to include former NDP leader James
Former BC NDP leader Carole James is joining nationally renowned family service expert Dr. Barry Trute and local community service professional Judy Pollard for a panel discussion titled “Making childcare work for your family” from 7 pm until 8:30 pm on Saturday, Oct. 22 at Self-Design High in Nelson (402 Victoria St).Local...
Nominations close for City, regional district, school board elections
Incumbent Mayor John Dooley will have to contend with two other candidates as he seeks his third term as the city’s top politician.Nominations closed Friday in the municipal elections in the area, with Dooley facing Richard Rowberry and George Mercredi in the race for the mayor’s seat Nov. 19. Also returning into the City...
Blog: Speaking-up is becoming a craving
Excerpts from Xun Ke Lao’s blog on Nelson, politics, its Chinese history and everything in between.By now I see that smug Nelson is really very much like Brigadoon - its reality shrouded in dense fog all year, except for one day when the fog lifts and entering knowingly is possible. While those on the inside think (pretend)...
Three of six councilors confirm intent to seek re-election; Mayor undecided
Although nominations for municipal government council and school board positions won’t open in Nelson until Oct. 4 in Nelson, the race has begun. Three City councilors have declared their intentions to seek re-election in the Nov. 19 general election, but two-term mayor (and one term councilor) John Dooley has yet to confirm...
Conservatives REALLY Frighten BC Liberals!
The most interesting thing about those latest radio ads by the BC Liberals is the fact they were done at all … now … more than 18 months (supposedly) before the next provincial election. And there’s an entire website set up just to attack BC Conservative leader John Cummins! Congratulations, John! You’ve now officially made...
ATAMANENKO: Vote subsidy hypocrisy
Stephen Harper is planning to do away with the per-vote subsidy to political parties. Brought in under the Chretien Liberals, this is the subsidy that, along with putting stricter limits on union and corporate donations, was meant to reduce political influence over Canadian elections. Under current laws it is no longer...
Christy Clark stages a coup
BC is in deep trouble: we now have a government that has no moral, no public and no legal legitimacy to govern. Christy Clark’s government was never elected by the people of this province, on the basis of any endorsed platform, program, promises or outlined plans for governing. And she herself--before taking the premier’s...
COMMENT: Art is greater than filth
Ali Farzat, the Arab world’s greatest cartoonist – in fact one of the very best and bravest creative voices in the Arab world – was bundled into a van by Syrian regime filth last night. Some hours later he was found bleeding at the side of the airport road. First reports suggest that his hands have been broken.I’ve often used...