BC Greens want government to change its tactics with BCTF
It's time for the Liberal government to try new ideas in attempting to solve the current strife with the B.C. Teachers Federation, and not a new idea like Bill 22, says the Green Party of B.C. Bill 22 and the current BCTF strike action represent an impossible solution to the goal of delivering the best possible public education...
Mungall grieves loss of seven jobs with Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program
Nelson/Creston MLA Michelle Mungall brought to light in the legislature Wednesday the upcoming closing of B.C. Hydro’s Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP) Nelson and Cranbrook. “So many species, including the endangered northern leopard frog found in the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area, have benefitted from...
Just how weak is Mitt Romney?
By Pat Murphy Columnist Troy Media According to most pundits, Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign is progressively enfeebled, a view that crosses the political spectrum. But as conventional wisdom has an iffy track record in these matters, let’s step back and ask whether Romney is really as weak as people think he is. On the...
Nelson Unveils Innovative Energy Retrofit Program for Homeowners
In April, Nelson homeowners will be able to borrow up to $10,000 from the city at very low interest rates to increase the energy efficiency of their residences under the city’s new EcoSave Energy Retrofits Program. The scheme includes “on-bill financing,” in which borrowers’ monthly loan payments may comprise a part of their...
Waste of taxpayers dollars recognized at annual Teddy awards
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) held its 14th annual Teddy Waste Awards ceremony last week, giving well-deserved recognition to the worst of the worst in government waste. CTF federal director Gregory Thomas hosted for the first time as Master of Ceremonies at the black tie news conference on Parliament Hill on...
TAX TIP: Disability Tax Credit - You may be missing out
In our community, people with disabilities are still uncertain about whether they are eligible for an important tax credit with a significant refund. I remain committed to raising awareness about their legitimate entitlement under the Income Tax Act. For your information, every eligible person should be aware of his/her rights...
Nelson teachers shift gears on job action, stage rally today at City Hall
While Victoria was hopping with union activists protesting the Campbell government’s Bill 22, all was calm in Nelson as teachers and fellow union members geared up for Wednesday's day of protest at the Nelson City Hall. “We redirecting our energies from the schools to City Hall,” said Nelson and District Teachers Association...
Video: Rafe Mair - One on One with BC NDP Leader Adrian Dix (Part 1)
In the first of a two-part interview, Rafe Mair grills BC NDP Leader Adrian Dix on private power, Site C Dam and BC's flawed environmental assessment process. What will the NDP do with existing and future private river power projects (a.k.a. IPPs) if they form the next government - and where do they stand on Site C Dam? Watch...
Kootenay Lake teachers begin three-day job action Monday, Superintendent urges parents to keep children at home
School District No. 8 Kootenay Lake teachers will join co-workers across the province in three-day walkout beginning Monday after an overwhelming majority voted in favour of escalating job action. “We had a huge turnout on Tuesday at our general meeting and a huge turnout in voting by Nelson teachers and they responded very...
Canada supports the dark side of international finance
You can say one thing for the powers that be in the banking industry. They’ve got a lot of nerve. This past week our own finance minister Jim Flaherty, along with Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, came out strongly in opposition to a modest proposal to regulate the US banking system. Their interventions followed...