
Court decision keeps health care intact

The B.C. Supreme Court today told the BC Anesthesiologists’ Society its members cannot withdraw services from B.C. hospitals, at least not until after the judge rules on Apr. 20 on an injunction request from health authorities. The decision means no elective procedures or surgeries will be postponed as previously expected, ...

Planet a big loser in 2012 Tory Budget

by Marc Lee, Canadian Centre of Policy Alternatives First off, the 2012 federal budget that makes no upfront claim to be a budget. Indeed, the cover states only “Economic Action Plan 2012: Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity.” While we have been accustomed in recent years to budgets with their own titles, this one does not...

2012 Tory budget filled with business friendly ventures while slashing public sector

The Huffington Post The Conservative government’s first majority budget focuses on business-friendly incentives aimed at creating jobs while reducing the size of the public sector and eliminating or cutting many programs that don’t jibe with the party’s ideology. “It signals a very profound change in direction,” said Ian Lee,...

Mourning Mulcair’s win

There will be lots of soul searching and head scratching going on this week about what happened with the NDP leadership race. The mechanics of the convention, the interesting lack of deal-making, and how the balloting progressed are all fodder for those who enjoy going through the entrails of leadership conventions. Others ...

City May Cut Back Snowploughing

The snowploughing budget is getting some scrutiny as Nelson City Council works out its budget for the coming year.  Snow removal costs about $750,000 annually with another $200,000 added for sand removal. “Staff has been asked to look at ways this could be reduced, and report back,” says Councillor Deb Kozak. "We may be doing...

Nelson Council Hears Athletic Club Proposal for Civic Theatre

A local group wants to occupy the Civic Theatre as an athletic facility with three squash courts, two multi-purpose gyms, a climbing wall, and a lounge/social area.  Tim Pearkes and Andy Leathwood presented the proposal to City Council on March 12 on behalf of the Nelson Downtown Athletic Club. The group is an amalgamation ...

Abattoir will finally be a reality

After four years of hard work and advocacy funding is finally in place for the construction of a mobile abattoir for the Boundary region. The realization of years of work for volunteers committed to reviving the flagging meat production in the East Boundary area, the project’s final piece in the funding puzzle fell into place...

Downtown Businesses Want City to Scrap Dog By-Law

The Nelson Business Association (NBA) says a majority of its members want to rescind Nelson’s dog by-law and allow leashed dogs on a trial basis.  Margaret Stacy represented the group in its presentation to City Council on March 19. The by-law prohibiting dogs on Baker Street was enacted in the 1990s, but Stacy told Council...

Liberal government approves Jumbo Glacier Resort development, opposing sides remain divided after announcement from Victoria

It’s a decision that took more than 20 years to make, but despite the B.C. Government giving approval to Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Development, the fight no doubt will go on for another two decades. "After more than 20 years of comprehensive and exhaustive reviews, it was time to make a decision,” said Steve Thomson, Minister...

Nathan Cullen would get my vote

There are so many factors that NDP members have to look at when choosing who to vote for in their leadership race that I don’t envy them (I am not a member). How do you weigh the various elements: policies, philosophy, engaging personality, ability to take on Stephen Harper in the House, co-operation with the Liberals, and ...

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