
Warfield Director Diane Langman acclaimed RDKB Chairperson

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary said in a media release that Diane Langman has been named board chair for a second term.  Chair Langman has served for the past four years both as Warfield director at the RDKB and mayor of the Village of Warfield.  Electoral Area C/Christina Lake Director Grace...

New Nelson-Creston MLA begins task for representing riding

Now that Elections BC has certified the final tally in the Nelson-Creston riding, MLA elect Brittny Anderson can roll up the sleeve to begin work for constituents in the BC Interior. Final tally in Nelson Creston had Anderson with 7,296 votes (41.78 per cent) to 5,611 votes (32.13 per cent) for Nicole Charlwood of the BC Green...

BC NDP sweep Nelson-Creston, Kootenay West, Boundary Similkameen ridings

Nelson City Councilor Brittny Anderson of the BC NDP party has been elected to succeed Michelle Mungall as MLA for the Nelson-Creston riding. Elections BC made the results official Sunday in a media release, confirming the BC NDP party as the majority government with 57 seats. The BC Liberal party finished with 28 and the BC...

Statement from Premier John Horgan on the final count of the 2020 British Columbia general election

Premier John Horgan released the following statement on the completion of the final count from the 2020 British Columbia general election:   “I’m humbled and honoured by the support British Columbians have shown for our BC NDP team and want to wish a warm welcome to the newest members of our team of 57 BC NDP MLAs.“Thank you...

Elections BC releases update on preparations for final count

Elections BC said in a media release Wednesday, preparations are nearing completion for the final count of mail-in and other absentee ballots in the provincial election. Final count is scheduled to begin across the province on November 6 and is expected to take at least three days to complete. The approximate number of...

BC committed to regional environmental assessments, but experts warn they might never happen

COVID-19 has delayed the Environmental Assessment Office’s work on establishing regulations for regional assessments, which will look at the cumulative effects of all past, present and future industrial projects By Matt Simmons, for The Narwhal At first glance, northwest B.C. is a vast wild landscape home to big forests, even...

Nelson-Creston candidates wait for mail-in ballots to be counted

The lead may be more than 900 votes, but that doesn’t mean BC NDP candidate Brittny Anderson is doing the Irish jig following results from Saturday’s 2020 Provincial Election. The rookie provincial candidate and Nelson City Councilor will wait, like many other British Columbians, for Elections BC to tabulate mail-in ballots...

Elections BC releases preliminary voter turnout estimate

Elections BC announced Monday that it estimates at least 52.4% of registered voters voted in the 2020 Provincial General Election. In a media release, Elections BC said 670,324 voters voted in their electoral district during the advance voting period, and 546,877 voters voted on Election Day at their assigned voting place. ...

Election forecast: NDP clear winners across the province but local riding remains cloudy

This story has been updated with most recent vote count from Elections BC on October 25, 2020, 1:58 a.m. The BC Election race turned into a sprint as an NDP majority government was declared elected barely 90 minutes after the polling stations closed across the province Saturday night. With the results paralleling numerous...

Nelson-Creston candidates field questions during KCR All-Candidates Forum

Candidates for the Nelson-Creston seat in the BC Legislature had an excellent chance to appear prove to the electorate they are the best choice to represent the riding during an All-Candidates Forum Thursday afternoon at the Civic Theatre in Nelson. The event, with all four candidates — Tanya Finley of the BC Liberal ...

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