Op/Ed: Cash-strapped ministry cannibalizing programs for wildlife, staff head for the exit
New Ministry of Wildlife, Land and Resource Management is cannibalizing fish, wildlife and habitat funds, regional operations are in crisis said B.C. Wildlife Federation. Government cuts travel funding for fish and wildlife staff Field staff asked to turn in their government cell phones to cut costs Regional office decimated by frustrated staff quitting or on […]
Op/Ed: Ins and Outs of MLA Anderson
What are you doing for our community? What have you accomplished while in office? These are questions I frequently get. Although it seems like a simple question, the answer is complex. In politics, we work as a team. The Premier and Ministers discuss issues and make decisions as a cabinet, and the Treasury Board, which […]
Letter: Every day say how much you love them
To The Editor: In memory of Briar Novitski Thank you so much to all of you who organized and attended Briar’s Celebration of Life at Nelson’s Lakeside Park on Sunday, July 14th , 2024. The loving appreciations for Briar you expressed at the open mic were beautiful and heartbreaking. We were enormously moved by the […]
Op/Ed: Local Governments Congratulate Announcement of the Columbia River Treaty Agreement-in-Principle
The Columbia River Treaty (CRT) Local Governments Committee congratulates the Canadian and United States CRT Negotiating Teams for having announced an Agreement-in-Principle (AIP) for a modernized treaty after over six years of negotiations. This is an exceptional achievement for the five governments in Canada who have worked together to reach this agreement on a complex […]
Op/Ed: Watershed security will require a billion-dollar investment
By Randy Shore, BCWF PR & Communications Specialist Watershed security funding is trickling out. We will need a torrent to futureproof our rivers, lakes, and forests. The B.C. Wildlife Federation and its partners have assessed and restored dozens of wetlands, rebuilding the natural infrastructure that kept our watersheds in balance for millennia. Natural, low-tech solutions […]
Column: Truth in Advertising
The fossil fuel industry has made a lot of false or misleading claims over the years: burning the fuels doesn’t cause climate change, there’s no viable replacement for them, “natural” gas is a climate solution, coal power can be “clean,” carbon capture and storage will make oilsands bitumen climate-friendly… But a new rule requiring industry […]
Letter: Nelson Walk for Alzheimer’s raises $7,800
To The Editor: A recent Leger poll showed dementia is a wide-spread personal concern in B.C., ranking among the top four perceived health problems – behind cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Sixty per cent of British Columbians asked expressing worry about personally developing it. On May 26, communities across the province gathered to break down […]
Letter: Interior Health should establish hemodialysis unit at Kootenay Lake Hospital for patients undergoing debilitating physical, financial hardships
To The Editor: I live in a small community called Mirror Lake and I have kidney disease. My two boys live here too. Seth, the oldest, and I live together. When I was told I was sick, it was a shock. Then I was told I had to move to Trail, which was a worse […]
Column: Undeniable economic case for climate action
Working to resolve the climate crisis is a tremendous economic opportunity. Even normally conservative organizations such as the International Monetary Fund agree that the benefits far outweigh the costs. Of course, the global consumer-based capitalist system encourages waste and destructive practices in the name of financial gain, so the necessary transformational change really requires a […]
Column: Parsing one of British history's powerful figures
A History Maker, observed The true test of character is not adversity. It is possession of power. Give someone power and watch what they do. — anonymous proverb If anyone whatsoever think the interest of Christians and the interest of the nation inconsistent, or two different things, I wish my soul may never enter into […]