Frustrated Uphill residents plead with city to fix three-decade-old electrical problem
Editor, The Nelson Daily: After the thunderstorm on July 20, we, in the small area of Uphill near Robson and Hall Streets, are wondering, once again, why no one at the City Electrical Department was aware that ourpower didn't come back on when the rest of the City's power was restored. We and our neighbours within this very...
Hazard mapping to prevent landslides sorely need in BC.
Editor, The Nelson Daily: The Perry Ridge Water Users Association extends their sincere condolences to the victims of the Johnsons Landing landslide. Our Association has tracked landslides in the Kootenays for close to 30 years, using the expertise of Frank Baumann P. Eng, Dr. June Ryder, P. Geo,the late Dr. Tony Salway,...
RDCK chair, John Kettle applauds provincial government
Editor, The Nelson Daily A letter to Honourable Christy Clark, MLA, Premier of British Columbia by Regional District of Central Kootenay chairperson, John Kettle. Dear Premier Clark: On behalf of the Regional District of Central Kootenay I want to sincerely thank you and your government for the immediate and effective response...
LETTER: Quebec protests about much more than tuition
Greetings to you, my friends in the Rest of Canada (ROC) I am writing you because i am really concerned that English Canada is not getting good information on what is happening right now in Québec. Particularly lamentable is the CBC and the Globe and Mail. And, apparently, Maclean’s. You...
LETTER: Oberfeld way out of line, says local MP
Dear Editor, In reading the May 23 OPED “Pushing the West OUT of Canada” I was shocked at the hateful level of vitriol and misrepresentation being expressed by the author. To suggest that NDP leader Tom Mulcair, or any other New Democrat MP would consider “screwing the West” to win seats in Eastern Canada is a slanderous...
LETTER: Got a fix that this province really needs? Try BC Ideas...
Do you have an idea or program that addresses the health, social or environmental challenges facing BC communities? Do you know someone who does? BC Ideas is an online competition that asks British Columbians to submit innovative ideas that address our province’s toughest social challenges. This collaborative competition is...
A few reasons on why Nelson needs to keep the Civic Theatre
Editor, The Nelson Daily (Mikaiya Austin of Nelson decided to pen her thoughts on why the Heritage City needs a local theatre to watch movies.) How many people, no matter their age, could honestly say that they hate the movies? I am willing to bet very few. A night out to the theatre can be magical, romantic, adventurous, ...
You need more than 47 grand to get into one percent club
Editor, The Nelson Daily Who is the one per cent against whom Occupy wants us to mobilize? A website called Global Rich will tell you. Unfortunately it uses simple math to calculate who is "rich" and come up with a figure around $47,500 Cdn. as being in the top 1 per cent annual wage earners. Arithmetically, you are in the...
The window is shrinking
Editor, the Nelson Daily: I appreciated the recent editorial cartoon of Harper and his welcome mat to China in your recent edition. Just after I saw that, I read that the Wildrose Party of Alberta had proposed a pipeline policy for Canada that seems -- dare I say this about a right-wing party? -- "progressive." An all-Canadian...
LETTER: Forests under threat
Dear Editor, When the movie Avatar made its debut, it caught the hearts of people everywhere as they empathized with the Navi, a people whose world and way of life was threatened by the intrusion of a huge profit-focused corporation. What most fail to realize is the very same thing is happening right now - here in the real ...