Open Letter to Justice Minister David Lametti Regarding UNDRIP Action Plan

Re: Feedback on release of UNDA Action Plan Dear Minister Lame: On the eve of National Indigenous Peoples Day, you tabled the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (UNDA) Action Plan in Parliament. Despite numerous requests for details of the release, and an express interest to be involved, the ...

Letter: We need to work together for a safer community for everyone

To the Editor: Interior Health’s job is to provide lifesaving services for everyone in our communities. Health and wellbeing for all means everyone: people injured in car crashes; people who have heart attacks; people with mental health challenges; and people who are living with addiction. We know that shame and fear can drive...

Letter: End fracking to protect British Columbians from climate disaster

To The Editor: I am writing to express my total opposition to fracking in BC and anywhere in the world. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, involves drilling deep into the earth and directing a high-pressure mixture of water, sand and chemicals at a rock layer, to release the gas inside. Fracking for gas in northeast BC produces...

Letter: Threatening, fear-mongering behaviour must not prevail

To The Editor: An Open Letter to the RDCK Directors and fellow citizens: Dear Directors: I am writing to express my full support for the immediate implementation of the Climate Action Plan you have drafted.  I applaud the decision to take the plan to open houses around the district: that is crucial for public understanding ...

Letter: Local misinformation campaign stalls climate resilience in RDCK

To The Editor: A small group of people seem bent on hijacking the RDCK climate plan. It is unclear why -- the plan is clearly designed to make life easier for rural residents facing the uncertainties of our changing climate. The plan includes no new bylaws or taxation, and it builds on existing programs that are already in ...

Letter: Time for BC to get on target

To The Editor: The last segment of its 6th big report on the climate crisis was released last week by the International Panel on Climate Change last week.  It’s being framed in the media as “the last warning”. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres was typically strong in his remarks:  “This report is a clarion call to massively...

Letter: Homelessness — a political-regulation issue

To The Editor: On the subject of homelessness, which Nelson, and all Canada, must do something about, my public comments have blamed this sad situation on the consequences of capitalist values (the drive to maximize profit) ruling our market. However, some research has made me reconsider. There's a severe mis-fit between...

Letter: High praise for selfless gifts by pair of Nelson volunteers

To the Editor: In recent editions of the Nelson Star, the following articles: “A Reflection of Service” by Pat Dooley, “Appreciation To Friends and Family of Buck Crawford” written by his adult children, and “Adult Lunch Bucket’s Donation to KidSport Nelson in honour of Keith McFadyen” caused me to pause and reflect. We are...

LETTER: Eliminate dementia stigma

Dear Editor, With Alzheimer’s Awareness month coming to a close, the Alzheimer Society of B.C. wants to say a big thank you to the people of the West Kootenay for joining forces with us to raise awareness and flipping the script on stigma associated with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s...

Letter: Nelson Leafs apologize for on-ice incident, accept coach resignation

To The Editor: The Nelson Leafs Hockey Society apologizes to the Beaver Valley Nitehawks, all Nelson Leafs fans, hockey fans in general and all member clubs of the KIJHL for the on-ice events of Saturday, December 31, 2022.   As a proud member of the KIJHL the Nelson Leafs failed to abide by League principles to encourage...

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