Letter: Former ambulance driver pleads for hemodialysis treatments in Nelson
To The Editor: It’s unbelievable our health care system refuses to take pity on our dialysis patients. Three times a week I drive seniors in my small car to Trail. These patients should be getting the treatment they need here in Nelson. To qualify as a driver for the West Kootenay Volunteer Driver Program, I […]
Letter: Fossil fuel dependence makes life more expensive
To The Editor: It’s hard to believe I’m writing this, but it’s 2024 and some politicians are still arguing that Canada can’t afford climate action. Climate chaos is already costing our communities too much. In 2023, the hottest year ever recorded, out-of-control wildfires forced thousands of Canadians from their homes and burned more than twice […]
Letter: East Kootenays Solar Facility a Threat to Biodiversity
Dear Ministers: The B.C. Wildlife Federation has serious concerns about the proposed solar energy facility which has been proposed by Enterprise Renewables in Crown Land, File #4406427. As concerned as we are about the impacts of climate change and fossil fuel consumption, the downsides of this project far outweigh the benefits. The environmental values of […]
Letter: Questioning BC Government's spending decisions
To The Editor: There comes a point in time when we are allowed to question just where and how our precious and scarce health-care dollars are spent – and why. Clinics and hospitals are shutting down intermittently, while the queues waiting for critical services and surgeries are getting longer and longer. Today many are travelling […]
Letter: Disturbing stories only highlights need for hemodialysis treatments in Nelson
To The Editor: Thank you to the Nelson City Council and the Village of Kaslo for passing motions in support of the establishment of hemodialysis treatment at the Kootenay Lake Hospital. We, renal patients, are asking our politicians, West Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital Board, BC Renal, and Interior Health to make it possible for us […]
Letter: 100-Year-Old Veteran Remembers the Fallen
To The Editor: I lost my right arm on October 18, 1944, while serving with the Loyal Edmonton Regiment in Italy. I was staked at a farmhouse that had a children’s treehouse located nearby. In the treehouse was a sniper who kept shooting at our boys. A tank then came which shot out shells, the […]
Letter: Time to grow up and learn to live together in the world
To the Editor: Recently I saw an online site that claimed to be footage mainstream media won’t show you. I watched a video of an 18 years old soldier holding a big gun. He was sobbing, standing behind a tree, realizing he would soon be killed. At that moment he must have questioned everything that […]
Letter: Senior makes request for hemodialysis units at KLH
To The Editor: The majority of the hemodialysis patients I see in the renal dialysis area of the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBRH) are, like me, seniors who are suffering from kidney failure. Also, we have serious mobility issues that require the use of walkers or wheel chairs to get to the dialysis units on […]
Letter: Solution is provide dialysis treatments at KLH
To The Editor: I now make three trips a week to the Trail for kidney dialysis treatments, which is stressful and financially draining. Home dialysis, which Interior Health (IH) promotes as a remedy, is not helpful because I live alone and cannot store large cartons of saline solution, nor lift the cartons or bags of solution,...
Letter: Roundup is poison
To The Editor: The active ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate. It's been called the 'DDT of this century', and it is. Vancouver, Quebec and Montreal have banned the use of glyphosate as well as other cities and countries around the world. This includes Mexico, Germany and France. And to note, Bayer of Germany, was the...