
School Christmas concert series starting to heat up

The Christmas Concert series is in full swing at most elementary schools in Kootenay Lake School District 8. Highlighting the festivities is the first annual Hume School Family Fun and Craft night Friday (December 14) at the Fairview school on Nelson Avenue. There will be a full night of entertainment along with numerous...

WHAT'S HAPPENING AT LVR — with Connor Banks

L.V. Rogers Grade 12 student Connor Banks has agreed to give The Nelson Daily readers insight into what's happening at the Fairview-based school witih a column throughout the school term. From arts to sports to news about upcoming anything and everything at LVR, including information on the upcoming 2013 Graduation Ceremonies...

WHAT'S HAPPENING AT LVR — with Connor Banks

The Nelson Daily welcomes L.V. Rogers Grade 12 student Connor Banks as guest columnist for the present school term. Banks, among the many other duties of a senior student at LVR, will be periodically deliver the news from the Fairview-based secondary school. From arts, to sports to news about the upcoming anything and everything...

Interior Health partners with local governments to build healthier communities

Imagine living in a community where you can walk or ride your bike safely, where the air is fresh and clean, and where healthy food and opportunities for physical activity are easily accessible and affordable for all. Through the Healthy Communities Initiative, Interior Health aims to make this vision a reality.                    ...

Walsh wins trustee by-election in a walk

Sheri Walsh of Crescent Valley won Saturday’s Kootenay Lake School District  trustee by-election by a landslide over challenger Bob Price. Walsh won the trustee race by a wide 245-36 margin over the Bonnington resident. The by-election was held after former trustee Barb Lindsay left the position to pursue a volunteer opportunity...

Selkirk College performs well at KAST Spirit of Innovation Awards

Four finalists from Selkirk College went up against some of the region’s most innovative businesses at the recent Kootenay Association of Science and Technology (KAST) Spirit of Innovation Awards and one took home the Innovative Organization award at the end of the evening. Held only every four years, the KAST Spirit of...

LVR students drop everything Monday to READ

Staff and students at L.V. Rogers High School in Nelson joined schools across B.C. in the sixth annual Drop Everything and Read event Monday. More than 500 students and teachers participated including a 'mob read' in the main foyer of the school. The school also welcomed Fay Wheeler's Grade 1 class from Hume Elementary to the...

School District No. 8 reduces senior staff, eliminates Assistant Secretary Treasurer position

School District No. 8 administration has decided to reduce the number of staff at the board office on Johnstone Road by eliminating the Assistant Secretary Treasurer position, effective Wednesday. “This particular (decision) aligns with our intent that all of our resources as much as possible go directly to the classroom,...

$28.5 million for two schools in Central Okanagan

Government is investing more than $28.5 million for the new Mar Jok Elementary in West Kelowna and the expansion of Okanagan Mission Secondary in Kelowna. The new Mar Jok Elementary will help address district enrolment growth by creating space for 460 students in kindergarten to Grade 6. The new school is part of a joint...

Overcrowded, understaffed classrooms under fire at school board meeting

Several concerned parents and a teacher told the Boundary School District 51 trustees their staffing issues have got to change at Christina Lake Elementary and Beaverdell Elementary schools during a regular board of education meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 11. Less than two weeks into the 2012-2013 school year and SD51 is facing...

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