
Local politicians tour Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund Projects

Elected officials from throughout the Kootenay Boundary region came early to the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Government convention last month to learn more about the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund (CVLCF). Councillors from the communities of Cranbrook, Greenwood, Nakusp, Nelson, and Trail joined two Regional District of East Kootenay Directors and a Director from […]

Helping Parents Navigate Prom and Grad Season — Drug Free Kids Canada Hosts Special Webinar

As high school students eagerly anticipate prom and graduation season, Drug Free Kids Canada is stepping up to support parents and guardians to ensure these memorable moments are safe and enjoyable for all. The organization is proud to announce its upcoming webinar, A Prom to Remember, designed to equip caregivers with essential insights and resources […]

ICBC, police asking drivers to travel at safe speeds as part of newest campaign

As the weather warms and more vulnerable road users are on our roads, ICBC and police are kicking off an education and enforcement campaign to encourage drivers to travel at safe speeds to prevent crashes and keep everyone on our roads safe. Research shows that the faster you drive, the more likely you are to […]

Urgent appeal to gardeners, pet owners during Invasive Species action month

May is Invasive Species Action Month in BC and the Invasive Species Council of BC is pleading with gardeners and pet owners to make responsible choices to prevent the spread of invasive species. As green thumbs across BC dig into their gardens, ISCBC is appealing to gardeners to make sure they’re not planting invasive species. […]

Ursa Project partners with City to offer discount on bear resistant garbage bins

The Ursa Project and City of Nelson are collaborating to take the bite out of bears in the community. The two are working together to bulk purchase Toter bear resistant garbage bins for interested residents. “Now is your chance to get one, at bulk plus municipal cost,” said a spokesperson for the Ursa Project. “These […]

City's Emergency Notification System test coming May 7

The City of Nelson will perform a TEST of the City’s Emergency Notification System on Tuesday, May 7, at Noon during Emergency Preparedness Week. Anyone registered with the City’s Emergency Notification System will receive a TEST notification on the device they registered with – text, landline, email or app. This test aims to get residents […]

SD8 Welcomes New Director of Indigenous Education and Learning Services

School District No.8 (Kootenay Lake) said in a media release announcement of Laury Carrière as the new Director of Instruction – Indigenous Education and Learning Services effective August 1, 2024. This role replaces the previous District Principal of Aboriginal Education position and is part of the SD8 senior leadership team, underscoring the district’s commitment to […]

Ribbon cut for new staff bike storage area at Kootenay Lake Hospital

Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson is celebrating the opening of an indoor staff and physician bike storage room. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the hospital as the new indoor bike storage room was unveiled on April 22 to celebrate Earth Day. “Knowing my bike will be safe and secure while I am working […]

Ombudsperson report — Youth in custody at risk due to ministry inaction

The BC Ombudsperson has identified a serious lack of progress by the Ministry of Children and Family Development on a 2021 Ombudsperson report with troubling findings about separate confinement of youth in custody centres. “The ministry’s inaction continues to expose vulnerable youth in its care to the risk of significant harm from separate confinement, especially […]

Five ways going green can save you money this Earth Day

As Earth Day approaches, Better Business Bureau (BBB) is highlighting the financial benefits of adopting eco-friendly practices, including reducing energy consumption. Contrary to popular belief, going green doesn’t have to drain your wallet – in fact, it can lead to significant savings while benefiting the environment. “Making our homes or businesses more energy efficient is a tangible […]

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