Mayor to meet with CBSA over Canada Day comments
Grand Forks mayor Brian Taylor will be meeting with officials from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) after comments he made during his annual Canada Day speech this year. Taylor openly criticized the CBSA for being too tough on American tourists and locals, thereby making the border crossing experience a “frightening”...
First hot weekend keeps Nelson Police busy as officers respond to more than 40 calls
The first sunny weekend of summer definitely was a busy one for Nelson Police Department as officers dealt from calls ranging from disturbances, noise complaints, damage to vehicles and fights. “Forty-four calls for service came in for Friday and Saturday night alone,” said Sergeant Janet Scott-Pryke in an emailed press...
Local man in custody after broad-daylight sexual assault in downtown Trail
A sexual assault in downtown Trail in the middle of the afternoon this weekend saw police identify and arrest a suspect within hours of the incident, according to RCMP Sgt. Rob Hawton. “On Sunday …at approximately 1:50 p.m., a young lady in her late teens was sitting on a bench on Cedar Avenue in Trail, when she was approached...
NPD officers collars suspect, retrieves his own stolen bike
Nelson Police used the long arm of the law to successfully arrest a bike thief. Good thing, because the thief had stolen the bike of the arresting officer. In a rare twist of fate Monday (July 2), a Nelson Police officer stopped a cyclist riding without lights and helmet in an alley near Baker Street. The 22-year-old male...
POLICE: Grand Forks woman identified as drowning victim
The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a woman whose body was found floating in Okanagan Lake near Kelowna on June 19. She is Melissa Joy Van Diemen, aged 34, originally from Grand Forks, but most recently living in Kelowna. Ms. Van Diemen was last seen swimming in Okanagan Lake behind City Park on June 13. The...
COURT BRIEFS: UPDATED - Grand Forks man charged in Midway bombing
Ian Jason Peregoodoff, 43 of Grand Forks, has been charged with two counts of arson and damage to private property and two counts of mischief after allegedly bottle bombing the Midway RCMP Detachment and police vehicle on Monday, June 18. Peregoodoff remains in police custody appeared in the Nelson provincial court on Wednesday,...
Province introduces changes to BC's tough drinking laws
Friday marks a return to tough drinking and driving laws according to BC's justice minister. The procedural changes comes after a judge deemed the review process unfair for drivers who fail a breathalyzer test. Police now have to let drivers know their right to a second test and also must issue sworn reports and submit...
NPD report string of thefts in the Rosemont and Uphill residential areas
A Rosemont resident was awakened from his sleep Friday (May 4) from sounds he thought were from a raccoon. However, when the man ventured into the carport the raccoon proved to be an unknown male rifling through his vehicle. The male fled with the scene of the crime. The homeowner gave chase but thief managed to get away with...
Thieves target parked cars at Bombi Summit for smash and grab
Police are reporting five separate incidents since January in which thieves have stolen from cars parked at the Bombi Summit. "The majority of the vehicles that have been targeted are snowmobilers that park there for a day, and also people that are skiing in to the cabins for a few days," said RCMP Sgt. Laurel Mathew. "Numerous...
RCMP get their man in case of missing McCanns
RCMP in Alberta announced Monday that over the weekend, they arrested and charged Travis Vader, aged 40, with two counts of First Degree Murder in the deaths of Lyle McCann and Marie McCann. The elderly couple was reported missing by their family on July 10, 2010. They were last seen alive on July 3, 2010. Mr. Vader was...