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Happy Holidays from Staff at The Nelson Daily

December 19th, 2023

The Nelson Daily team of Deb and Bruce Fuhr, reporters Tim Schafer and Ari Lord and Anthony Sanna in the advertising design department would like to wish all our valued readers and advertisers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

The Nelson Daily is one of the few independent, online media outlets serving the West Kootenay region.

Sustaining an independent newsroom during the past year has meant continuing to fight against the pressures of the media industry that has been disrupted by social media and search programs.

This past year has been tough on local media outlets as Canadian news, including The Nelson Daily and our Lone Sheep partners, has been completely blocked by Meta on Facebook and Instagram in response to the Online News Act.

So we ask the public take a different route to getting news by signing up for The Nelson Daily newsletter, delivered each and every Wednesday into your email in-box, at the Virtual Paperboy located at the bottom of the page and/or get the news daily on our website.

Since The Nelson Daily began an online presence in September of 2010, we’ve been working hard to continue to provide readers throughout Canada and around the world, local coverage of important events that affect the region.

So, as we begin to put a ribbon on 2023, staff at The Nelson Daily would like to send warm Holiday Wishes to our readers and many local and regional advertisers that through their continued support allow us to deliver the news and events happening in and around the Heritage City.

Happy Holidays from Staff at The Nelson Daily

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