Info session on Columbia River Treaty now available to watch online

Lone Sheep Publishing
By Lone Sheep Publishing
October 25th, 2023

A Columbia River Treaty information session about Low Levels in Arrow Lakes Reservoiron Oct. 18 is now available to watch online. It was attended by by 223 people from communities within the Canadian Columbia Basin including Nakusp, Fauquier, Revelstoke, Castlegar, Nelson and others. We also had a few participants from the U.S.

A full recording of the event is now available on the Province of B.C.’s YouTube channel and has been shared on the B.C. Columbia River Treaty website, and residents are encouraged to watch and share with others. PowerPoint presentations from the session are also available on the B.C. Treaty website.

Questions were raised about a wide range of topics including cleanup of shoreline debris; the rate and volume of reservoir outflows; plans to mitigate impacts in the short and long term; and much more. We are actively working on a report addressing the questions raised and will share it with you as soon as possible.

Whether you attended the session live or watch it after the fact, organizers would greatly appreciate your feedback on the event itself and the information presented by panelists. They encourage you to fill out the online survey below or email your thoughts to [email protected].

Feedback Survey:

During Wednesday night’s session, the following resources were shared to provide information on topics of interest:

Canada-U.S. negotiations to modernize the Columbia River Treaty

–          B.C. Columbia River Treaty website:

    • Updates after each round of negotiations are posted to the website homepage
    • Past and upcoming public engagement activities can be found under the Public Engagement heading

–          Questions: [email protected]

BC Hydro operations

–          Questions, or to subscribe to BC Hydro email updates on reservoir level forecasts for the Upper or Lower Columbia: email [email protected] or phone 250-365-4565.

Columbia River Treaty Local Governments Committee

–          Columbia River Treaty Local Governments Committee website:

–          Questions: [email protected]

Exploring ecosystem improvements through a modernized Columbia River Treaty

–          June 2022 Information Session recording and materials:

Restoring salmon to the upper Columbia River

–          Columbia River Salmon Reintroduction Initiative:

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