Fridays for Future hosts all-candidates forum
Nelson voters have a chance to check out the three candidates vying for the vacant seat on City Council seat during two all-candidates forums.
Nicole Charlwood, Brenton Raby and Joshua Wapp all submitted nominations papers for the upcoming March 27th By-Election.
A fourth candidate, Daniel Nolan, decided to withdraw from the By-Election.
Nelson at its Best is hosting the first forum Thursday, March 11 before Fridays for Future is scheduled to welcome the candidates for a Zoom meeting Sunday, March 14th at 7 p.m.
The Fridays for Future forum is focusing on climate solutions.
“No other issue will have as much impact on what kind of city we have,” said Jamie Hunter, one of the organizers of the FFF forum.
“We still have the opportunity to make the right decisions and create a sustainable, livable city that is doing its part to solve the climate crisis.“
The FFF March 14 forum is organized around Nelson Next and the city’s plan to reach zero emissions by 2040.
Kate Letizia, Nelson’s Climate Change Lead, will give a brief overview of the plan, and then candidates will answer questions related to the City’s climate plan.
“We often underestimate the power of local governments,“ says Judy O’Leary, Co-lead of the Nelson – West Kootenay chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby who are also helping to organize this forum.
“The municipal level is where climate action is really happening quickly and affecting people’s lives right now. Local governments can affect 50% of greenhouse gas emissions and play a huge role in how we adapt to our changing climate.”
The Nelson By-Election was called after former councilor Brittny Anderson resigned after winning the Nelson-Creston MLA seat in the October 2020 Provincial Election.
On January 12, 2021 Nelson City Council appointed Sarah Winton as Chief Election Officer and Gabriel Bouvet-Boisclair as Deputy Election Officer.
Anyone wishing to vote by mail-in ballot has until March 10, 2021 to make the request.
Advance voting days are March 17 and March 24 at City Hall.
General voting day is Saturday, March 27, 2021 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Prestige Lakeside Resort at 701 Lakeside Drive in Nelson, BC.