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Letter: A little education may help spare Nelson from a second lockdown

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
July 27th, 2020

To The Editor:

Good afternoon,

I just returned to work after a lunch break walk up and down Baker Street, which I do regularly. I have to say, I’m quite disappointed at the lack of respect people are paying to physical distancing and the prevention of the transmission of COVID.

I was wearing a mask and so were maybe, six (6) other people out of 100 – at least. People were spread out on the sidewalk making it impossible to stay the safe two (2) meters apart for passing down the street. The restaurants patios are out on the sidewalk not giving enough space between the patio and the restaurant to pass others safely.

The issue is space; there just isn’t any on the sidewalks. Close Baker Street between Kootenay Street and Hall Street from 10 a.m. – 5 or 6 p.m. to make space to walk during these summer months. I have had to walk on the street several times to avoid being an uncomfortable distance from people.

Our community is small, our hospital resources are limited; two respirators for all of Nelson, Trail and Castlegar areas, or so I’ve heard.

I know that its tourist season and I know that people have been waiting to get out and mingle with their friends. Our economy needs the boost, but the public needs reminders please.

Nelson City should be putting signage up and down Baker Street to remind people or our current situation, we’re trending up again and if we don’t want another lockdown we need to be proactive about it. Let’s set a precedent for other small communities.

Let’s give them ideas of how to cope as during their tourist season.

Can the City purchase masks and have “COVID crusaders” pass them out to anyone willing to take one?

It would be sad to see cases come to Nelson; we have such a diverse community which consists of several at risk populations. Please consider some options to educate and eliminate the potential possibility for another lockdown.

Name Withheld, Nelson, BC

Editor’s Note: This Nelson resident sent this letter to Nelson City council, anonymously, following a recent disconcerting walk through the downtown core of Nelson. The Nelson Daily has decided to publish the letter without the usual policy of publishing the writer’s name.

Categories: LettersOp/Ed

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