RDCK makes changes to how services are delivered to the public
In a media release Tuesday, the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) said it is implementing a number of temporary measures within its Development Services Department in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The RDCK said these measures, which includes building inspections; GIS information; land use and planning; and payments, will help protect the health and safety of staff and the public by minimizing personal interactions.
Building Inspection by Local Governments declared a non-health essential service:
On March 26, the BC Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General declared the “building code enforcement, inspection of buildings, building sites and building systems by building officials and registered professionals (architects and engineers)” as non-health essential service providers. Read full media release .
“To ensure the safety of staff and the public, the RDCK Building Inspection Services has instituted modified inspection processes respecting strict social distancing protocols and limiting inspections of occupied buildings to a directed digital record collection process coordinated by the building inspector,” the RDCK media release said.
RDCK facilitated digital permit application processes are acceptable. Call your local RDCK Building Inspection department at one of the following 1-800 numbers below to enquire if you would like to use this application process. Hard copy applications will continue to be accepted from those who are unable to use the digital process.
- Nelson office: 1-800-268-7325
- Creston office: 1-833-223-2661
- Nakusp office: 1-844-817-9096
The Geospatial Service continues to be available to answer questions, manage addressing requests and provide paper map printing services. Please contact us by telephone at 1-800-268-7325 or by email at maps@rdck.bc.ca. The RDCK is not providing any in-person service at this time.
Applications for Rezoning, OCP Amendment, and Temporary Use Permits:
Due to the current situation, the RDCK is challenged in its ability to safely host a public hearing. With that in mind, and in an effort to keep everyone safe, the RDCK may not be able to complete applications already in process wherein this legislative requirement has not yet been met.
For owners considering applying for Rezoning, OCP Amendment, or Temporary Use Permit applications, this may delay your projects.
Payments can be made at most banks and some credit unions under the vendor name “Regional District of Central Kootenay” or “Central Kootenay Regional District.” I
Anyone who does not have access to make payments to the RDCK through online banking, or the financial institution does not have the RDCK listed as a vendor, please make payments by cheque and either send them by mail or use the mail slots at the Nelson or Creston offices.
Anyone making a payment through telephone/online banking, please quote the permit number or file reference number provided to you by the RDCK so we can correctly apply your payment. If paying by cheque, please quote the permit number or file reference number in the memo line of the cheque.
“It may take longer to process payments and provide services during the COVID-19 situation, and we appreciate your patience,” the RDCK said.
Further updates about the impacts of COVID-19 will be shared as needed, and will be posted the RDCK website.
For more resources relating to COVID-19, please visit the BC Centre for Disease Control website:
Incorporated in 1965, the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) is a local government that serves 60,000 residents in 11 electoral areas and nine member municipalities. The RDCK provides more than 160 services, including community facilities, fire protection and emergency services, grants, planning and land use, regional parks, resource recovery and handling, transit, water services and much more. For more information about the RDCK, visit www.rdck.ca.