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Mallard's Team of the Week — Sixth Annual Brooksie Bash

The Nelson Daily Sports
By The Nelson Daily Sports
December 30th, 2019

The sixth Annual Brooksie Bash hockey game at the Civic Centre Arena before Christmas was a resounding success as the 2019 contest was able to raise money for eight-year-old Axl Smith, who was recently diagnosed with two forms of leukemia.

A total of 32 local hockey players took to give back to families in need, raising $9000 for the family of the Nelson Minor Hockey player.

Mallard’s Source for sports would like to salute the hockey players as Team of the Week.

A gofundme page has been set up to ease the burden of lost income by the family, and cover some of their expenses while they walk through this devastating and crucial time, living far from home and going between Vancouver Children’s Hospital and Ronald McDonald House.

Axl Was diagnosed with two types of leukemia, or MPAL (Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia). This is a very rare condition that represents only 3-5% of acute leukemias. The Smith family lives in Nelson, but has had to relocate to Vancouver Children’s Hospital where they will be staying for an indeterminate amount of time (but a minimum of seven months) while he is undergoing aggressive and sustained treatment, including intense chemo, radiation, and a bone marrow transplant.


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