Whitecaps High Potential Player Showcase Week a 'huge success' for Kootenay players
More than 20 players from Nelson Youth Soccer received a chance to experience high-level soccer first hand during the Whitecaps High Potential Player (HPP) Showcase training sessions held last week in Vancouver.
“The weekend was a huge success,” said Brett Adams, Whitecaps Kootenay Regional Head Coach.
“The teams played amazing to say that they had been there for four days. We are really happy with the development with the academy centers. . ..They are getting better and better.”
The Whitecaps FC HPP program is a club initiative that has been expanded to the Academy Centre network to identify players that are excelling in their respective regions.
The Kootenay Regional Centre qualified more than 25 players for the week of training under the eyes of high-level instructors, evaluators and coaches followed by the Showcase Tournament, which was watch by college and university scouts.
Showcase Tournament Results saw the U15 Boys finished with a 1-1-1 record while the U16 Boys won two and lost one game.
The U18 Boys also won a pair and tied a match.
On the girls side, the U15 Girls lost twice and tie one while the U16 Girls won once and dropped a pair of games.
The U18 Girls finished with a 2-1 record.
“This is unbelievable to be able to have these results in just four days of playing together,” Adams confessed.
“All of the teams played the ‘Whitecaps way’. This means that it was a passing style game with lots of attacking.”
The Kootenay Regional Centre is made up of players from Nelson, Cranbrook and Trail with 90 percent of the squads from Nelson Youth Soccer.
Players now prepare to continue playing as Nelson Youth Soccer begins its 2015 season.