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What's it going to be? Yes or No? — Nelson teachers vote on tentative agreement Thursday

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
September 17th, 2014

Thursday evening at approximately 9:30 p.m. parents, students, teachers, trustees and politicians will find out if the recent tentative deal negotiated in the teachers’ strike is enough persuade teachers to drop picket signs and return to classrooms for the 2014-15 school year.

That’s when BC Teachers’ Federation president Jim Iker, whose executive is backing the negotiated deal, will announce the results of Thursday’s vote by teachers.

“I certainly hope it passes . . . I want to go back to work,” one Nelson teacher told The Nelson Daily Wednesday afternoon.

The BCTF and the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) reached a tentative agreement in the early hours of Tuesday morning following marathon talks with mediator Vince Ready.

If ratified by BCTF members, the new agreement would bring an end to the on-going strike/lockout.

Voting in the Nelson and District Teachers Association is set for the Baker Street Inn on Baker Street Thursday.

Kootenay Lake School District Superintendent Jeff Jones declined a comment at this time to The Nelson Daily when asked about the possible school openings or when teachers would return to the classroom.

However, a message was posted on the Kootenay Lake School Board website Wednesday explaining to parents and students the next course of attack.

“We understand that the BCTF will be holding a vote on Thursday regarding a vote to ratify the tentative agreement that has been reached,” the message said.

“The Board of Education, and all Board’s of Education throughout the province will be asked to take a similar vote between now and Friday at 3:30 p.m.”

The message went on to explain the uncertainty of when school will commence.

“This will be a decision that is determined by the outcome of the vote to ratify the agreement.

“It will need to be made in consultation with the local co-presidents of the Kootenay Lake Teachers Federation and also the Board of Education and Principals/Vice Principals. These conversations will help us determine our levels of readiness to best welcome and support students in our schools.”

A Kootenay School Board member told The Nelson Daily a meeting has been scheduled for Friday morning for the trustees to vote on the new package.

Categories: Education

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