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Pat Price — BC Hockey Hall of Fame 2014 inductee

By Contributor
August 6th, 2014

Nelson native Pat Price was recently inducted into the BC Hockey Hall of Fame during a ceremony in Penticton.

Price, who toiled in the World Hockey Association (WHA) for the Vancouver Blazers and the National Hockey League (NHL) for the New York Islanders, Edmonton Oilers, Pittsburgh Penguins, Quebec Nordiques, New York Rangers and Minnesota North Stars, was welcomed to the Hall along with Vancouver Canuck goalie Kirk McLean, Bill Ennos as a builder with the BC Amateur Hockey Association and the Kelowna Rockets in the team category.

Pat Price has gracious allowed The Nelson Daily to publish in its entirety, his speech to the BCHHOF.


Greetings Folks.

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls… It’s nice to have your 14-year career summed up in a 5 minute video. But I can sum it up in 5 seconds.

“I came into the league a rusher.
 I turned into a crusher.
 And then I was an usher!”
There are many people I have to be thankful for in my life. Both friends and family. And many are with me here tonight. But I’ll begin with Mom and Dad.

You know… I’m very lucky just to be here tonight.
You see, my brother Clem is 8 years older than me. And my sister Pauline is 14 years older than me.
So, needless to say… I wasn’t planned.

In fact, when mom found out she was pregnant, she was so worried about dad being angry she tried to remedy the fact.  How?
…she jumped off of the porch.

Well the first time didn’t work, so she tried it again!!
After that didn’t work she decided I was meant to be. So when dad got home she told him…

Well he was angry alright! But he was upset she sprained both her ankles and couldn’t make him supper for a week!
Folks, I do have a story to tell you with a little bit of a message…  Especially the kids out there.

A very successful man once said… “If you believe you can. Or believe you can’t… you’re probably right!

I’ve carried that message with me throughout my life.

When I was in Jr. High School we had Guidance Counsellors to help us make the transition to High School and guide us to our choice of careers…

Well, when it was my turn to go in and see the counsellor he simply asked me “Pat, what do want to do when you graduate High School?”  I said “Sir, I want to play in the NHL.” He smiled at that and said “Yea, right Pat. Now really, what do you want to do?”

My reply “Sir. I want to play in the NHL.” I could tell he didn’t find that amusing and sternly said ” NO ONE from Nelson plays in the NHL. I’m losing my patience and need to know, what do you want to do when you graduate!!” So to avoid confrontation I said ” I’d like to be in the RCMP.”  “NOW WE’RE TALKING!!” he said

Well folks 5 years later I sent him 2 tickets to my first home game in the league…. And along with those tickets I sent him a note that said ” Thanks for your confidence in me… I hope you enjoy the game!”

“If you believe you can. Or you believe you can’t. You’re probably right!”
Among us tonight are shining examples of that philosophy. My fellow inductees’ Bill Enos, Kurt Mclean, the Memorial Cup Champion Kelowna Rockets, as well as Stan Smyl, Trevor Linden and Brian Burke.

Try telling Burkie he can’t do something!!

Congrats to my fellow inductees tonight and I am truly honored by this acknowledgement. I’m almost speechless!!

So with that I’ll say goodnight and wish all of us here tonight… Health and happiness..

Oh, and by the way…. It was Henry Ford that coined that saying…..

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