RDCK to help distribute radon testing kits
Kootenay residents will now be able to test for potentially dangerous radon in their homes thanks to a partnership between the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) and the Donna Schmidt Memorial Lung Cancer Prevention Society.
RDCK offices in Nelson, Nakusp and Creston will serve as pick-up and drop-off sites for test kits, which can be obtained for a $15 donation.
“The RDCK is pleased to be able to participate in this valuable public service by helping residents determine if they might be at risk of radon exposure,” says Chair John Kettle, RDCK Chair.
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can accumulate in some homes.
Because radon cannot be seen, tasted or smelled it can go undetected. Long-term exposure to radon is linked to an increased risk of developing lung cancer and is the second leading cause of the disease after smoking.
Radon levels are generally highest in the fall and winter months, making this an ideal time to test for the gas. The test kit contains a small device that is placed in the home for a minimum of 90 days.
Homeowners can then return the kit to the RDCK, which will forward it for laboratory analysis.
Results will be provided in confidence but if they are willing, homeowners are encouraged to anonymously share their results with the Donna Schmidt Lung Cancer Prevention Society, which is gathering information on radon levels in the region.
Test kits and brochures may be obtained at the following RDCK office:
202 Lakeside Drive, Nelson
For more information on radon, visit http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/radiation/radon/radoneng.php
For more information about the Donna Schmidt Memorial Lung Cancer Prevention Society: Visit: http://ddschmidt.shawwebspace.ca.