Fool’s gold may not be so foolish for solar energy

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
January 20th, 2011

Pyrite, also known as fool’s gold, was the stuff of heartbreak for many a gold miner.

Mimicking the look of the precious gold they were after, pyrite was considered essentially worthless. But for the solar energy industry, pyrite just may turn into a pot of gold.

Researchers at the University of California Irvine are working towards using the plentiful mineral to create a solar receptive film at a cost far lower than that of using rare earth minerals.

“With alternative energy and climate change issues, we’re always in a race against time,” said lead researcher Matt Law. “With some insight and a little bit of luck, we could find a good solution with something that’s now disposed of as useless garbage.”

Commercial solar cells require expensive and possibly toxic materials such as cadmium telluride and silicon as the core of a solar cell, and often those materials come from China. Alternatively, pyrite is cheap and ubiquitous.

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