BC Parks camping reservations open early for 100th

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
January 6th, 2011

Camping fans can now start their warm weather vacation planning in the cold of winter with more reservable sites to choose from and a new, earlier opening date for the BC Parks Discover Camping reservation service.

The virtual doors are now open to book reservations – available for the first time online – for all group campsites and the Bowron Lake canoe circuit.

Reservations for front-country campgrounds and the Berg Lake trail will start two weeks earlier than usual, on March 15, 2011, in response to public requests.

The changes will result in more timely service and fewer delays in processing reservations for the most popular long weekends in the summer. As always, reservations can be made through the online system or the call centre.

Discover Camping allows you to view the availabilities and amenities at more than 80 reservable campgrounds across B.C.

If you want to camp in a group, close to friends, near a trail or by the beach, you can select and book the site that meets your needs.

For more information or to make a reservation, visit: www.discovercamping.ca

Reservations can also be made through the call centre at 1 800 689-9025 or from overseas at +1 519 826-6850.


The enhancements come as B.C. prepares to commemorate the 100th anniversary of provincial parks throughout 2011. The first park, Strathcona Provincial Park on Vancouver Island, was designated on March 1, 1911.

For information about BC Parks 100 celebrations, go to: www.bcparks100.ca


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