Nelson Figure Skating Club enters nation-wide competition
Anyone who has been a world champion figure skater would have a wealth of knowledge to share with up and comers.
That’s exactly what members of the Nelson Figure Skating Club are counting on.
The club has entered a nation-wide Skate Canada competition and the top prize is a one-day skate seminar given by Canadian skating icon Kurt Browning.
“We would love to see Kurt come to Nelson and work with our skaters,” says NFSC Publicity Chair Murray Kimber. “It would be an opportunity of a lifetime.”
Second prize is to have a national team athlete skate at a club’s year end ice show in February, 2011.
The essence of the contest is this: Skate Canada asked member clubs to use photos and video to demonstrate how they have showcased the new Skate Canada logo, which launched in June 2010, and submit the entries for judging.
The Nelson club produced a short film compiling skating performances from shows it gave at the Civic Arena 75th Anniversary celebration that incorporates the six different logos Skate Canada has used since its inception in 1948.
Although the major prizes are awarded by jury, Nelsonites can help the club win the “Fan Favorite” prize, a Sony HD TV and video camera, by voting for the club’s entry online.
“Anyone can go to the Skate Canada gallery and vote for the club of their choice,” adds Kimber. “That prize will be awarded to the club that receives the most votes, so we are asking people to vote daily.”
A video system would be a valuable teaching tool as it would allow the coaches to film and analyze a skater’s performance.
The Nelson Figure Skating Club invites everyone to help it become the “Fan Favorite”.
Voting is open now and runs until the end of December.
Visit to view the film and to find out how to vote.