Today’s Poll

Time for a new well

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
October 6th, 2010

A $10,000 provincial grant will determine the feasibility of construction of a new domestic water supply for the village of New Denver.

The study is expected to review the existing aquifer information in the area.

Also to be included in the study, funded by the Province’s Infrastructure Planning Grant program, will be the conducting of a hydrogeologic review of the surrounding area, to determine projected water demands and the location of a new well to meet the demands of the village.

Forty local and regional governments share in more than $390,000 from the Province’s Infrastructure Planning Grant program, to help planning for and study of local infrastructure needs.

The Program provides grants up to $10,000 to help local governments plan, design and manage infrastructure. The grants support projects that improve infrastructure sustainability.

These include long-term comprehensive plans and studies needed to assess the economic and environmental feasibility proposed for water, sewer, drainage and transportation infrastructure.

These grants often lead to supporting applications for capital infrastructure projects.

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