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Mori, Miyoko (‘Miyo’)

(June 23rd, 2022)

Miyoko (‘Miyo’) Mori passed away peacefully June 23, 2022, at the age of 93 in White Rock. She was born in Coghlan, BC (now known as Langley). She was predeceased by her mother Tamae (1992), father Masanari (1987), husband Sue (1995), son Doug (2000), and brother Sus (2017). Survivors include daughter Karen, son-in-law Gord, grandchildren Brandi, Cara, David, Kevin Kate, brother Roy Yokoyama (Joyce), brother Ken Yokoyama (Jean), sister Terri Vanleusden (Dave), sister Jean McKeever (Bill), and many nieces and nephews.

Miyo came from humble beginnings as a daughter of a strawberry farmer. At the start of the Second World War, Japanese Canadians had their basic human rights taken from them. Based on their race, they were classified as ‘enemy aliens’, and transported to interior towns in BC or across Canada with nothing except what they could carry. Life was challenging living with multiple families in one small house. When the war ended, so did her education. Miyo completed grade 10 in Sandon, BC. Her heart yearned to go to school to learn bookkeeping but was forced to find employment to support the family. Her first job as a housekeeper and maid for John and Mae Taylor in New Denver, BC, defined what she did not want to do in her life! Miyo enjoyed working retail; first at New Denver Mercantile, and grocery and dry goods store, then Thring’s Shop Easy in New Denver, then Super Valu in Nelson. She retired at the age of 60 and enjoyed retirement in Nelson, with the last 7 months in South Surrey.

Having lived into her 90’s, she had to say goodbye to many friends. And she had many friends. Some knew her as a gardener, a quilter, or a bowler, but many knew her as the cashier at Super Valu. There was a tight group of friends at Super Valu: Mary Tolls, Marg Hall, Mary Hunter, Joyce Diedrich, Jo Marcheldon, and Nina Smiley. Nina has outlived them all! Before the day of the automated cashiers, each Sunday Miyo would memorize the sale prices from the flyer. Brain game 1.0! It’s no wonder she was as sharp as she was right to the end. She made friends easily because she was curious and interested in their lives. While living at Westminster House in South Surrey she enjoyed getting to know new friends. The staff at Westminster House grew to know Miyo as a sharp, curious, and humourous person. She thrived in the caring, friendly environment, and with her daughter’s encouragement to move a little every day, she gained mobility she hadn’t enjoyed in years. Miyo enjoyed the senior’s outings coordinated by the care home. She especially enjoyed the shopping trip to the mall. She loved the Dollarstore.

You’ve likely heard the term ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. Well, it also takes a village to care for my mom. I am thankful for all the family and friends who helped her and touched her life when I lived too far to help. I am thankful for the staff at Westminster House for their loving care.


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