UPDATED: PRT Harrop Nursery fire under control

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
August 13th, 2020

Regional District of Central Kootenay fire crews from North Shore, Beasley Fire Rescue and Crescent Valley worked feverously to bring a fire at the PRT Harrop Nursery under control.

Crews responded to a report of a fire at the PRT Harrop nursery shortly before 2 p.m. Thursday afternoon.

Initial reports had the fire starting in a building beside the nursery. Black smoke could be seen from across the West Arm of Kootenay Lake and from neighbouring Balfour and Kokanee Park Provincial Campground.

Firefighters from surrounding RDCK attended the scene, and with the assistance of helicopters dropping water from the air, were able to bring the fire under control.

Fire crews spent most of the evening mopping up the scene.

More details when information becomes available.

Fire at PRT Harrop Nursery

Fire crews from the Balfour/Harrop Fire Department as well as surrounding departments, including North Shore, Beasley Fire Rescue and Crescent Valley, are currently fighting a blaze at the PRT nursery in Harrop.

Initial reports say the fire started in the early afternoon beside the nursery, which is located in Harrop approximately 27 kilometers north of Nelson across a cable ferry.

RCMP also attended along with Nelson Hydro, called to shut off power. Helicopters were also seen dropping water onto the fire.

Harrop is four kilometers south of Proctor on the south side of the West Arm of Kootenay Lake.

The PRT Harrop nursery, which employs approximately 50 people when fully operational during the summer months, grows all commercial tree species planted in Canada and Western United State and offers a full range of standard seedlings and related nursery services.

More details when information becomes available.

Thick black smoke could be seen from homes across the West Arm of Kootenay Lake coming from the fire at Harrop Thursday afternoon. — Photo courtesy Harrop Proctor Community Facebook page

The fire burns beside PRT Nursery in Harrop. — Submitted photo

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