Today’s Poll

Linden Lane Farms is committed to farming the right way

Ari Lord
By Ari Lord
April 11th, 2023

Linden Lane Farms has been operating in the Slocan Valley at its Krestova location for three generations.

But Matthew Carr is the first person in the family to grow and sell fruits and vegetables.

“In the Kootenays, we produce less than five per cent of our annual fresh fruit and vegetable needs. We’re so reliant on trucking it from elsewhere,” says Carr.

The farm’s inspiration is to have more healthy food options available to area residents. Linden Lane Farms offer three community-supported agriculture options, a farm stand, winter greens, nursery products, and more.

Carr was recently nominated for an award with The Canadian Outstanding Young Farmer Program, which he says was an honour.

Linden Lane Farms is committed to observing organic standards and paying attention to their soil’s health and environmental impact. “Quality” is part of everything that happens at this farm.

Carr is excited about the upcoming growing season.

“I like growing plants and being outside. It’s not an easy life, but it’s pretty rewarding,” he says.

Read more here about the highs and lows of being a young Kootenay organic farmer as Hall Printing Daily Dose Reporter Sarah Lord discusses the business with Matthew Carr.

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