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Deadline looms for West Kootenay/Boundary Sr Games Zone to elect new executive

Lone Sheep Publishing
By Lone Sheep Publishing
February 7th, 2023

EDITOR NOTE: The upcoming Zone 6 AGM set for February 18 at 10 a.m. has beed moved from the Kootenay Room of the Castlegar Community Complex. The new locations for the meeting is SANDMAN INN in CASTLEGAR. Times remain the same.

The West Kootenay/Boundary Zone 6 BC Senior Games executive continues to rustle the bushes for volunteers to step up to guarantee the participation of zone athletes during future games.

The current West Kootenay/Boundary Zone 6 executive is encouraging volunteers to attend its annual general meeting, February 18 at 10 a.m. in the Kootenay Room of the Castlegar Community Complex.

The meeting is of the utmost importance to fill the six executive positions.

Should these positions not be filled, there would be no executive in place to coordinate the athletes attending the games.

“At that AGM (February) 2022, we filled the Chair, vice chair, treasurer, recording secretary, and the existing registrar and sport coordinator elected to stay on for one more year, (which) saved Zone 6 then,” West Kootenay/Boundary Zone 6 Secretary Karen Lees explained.

“Now we find ourselves in a similar situation.”

Lees said the band aid solution at the 2022 Zone 6 Annual General Meeting followed a desperate letter to all members that if there were not volunteers to fill the six executive positions, there would be no executive to coordinate the athletes attending the games.

The 2023 BC 55+ Games are scheduled for August 22-26 in Abbotsford.

The BC Seniors Games Society is a volunteer based charitable organization responsible for the overall governance of the 55+ BC Games. 

The Society operates under a volunteer board of directors with representatives from each of the 12 designated zones throughout the province.   

The province is divided into 12 zones responsible for recruiting members and registering participants for the Games.   

The current executive is asking for support from seniors in the zone to attend the upcoming AGM, February 18 at 10 a.m. in the Sandman Inn in Castlegar.

Meeting registration is at 9:30 a.m.

Anyone attending, wanting to vote, must first register with the zone.

For more information on the West Kootenay/Boundary Zone 6 email

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