Seeking Kootenay Small Business Nominations for Provincial Awards
The Small Business BC Awards celebrate business excellence in our province. During the past 20 years, we have seen over 6,000 businesses engage with this contest. For our 21st year, there are offering four Award categories, each with a cash prize of $5,000 for the winner. “The Small Business BC Awards are an opportunity to […]
Tragedies on B.C. highways prompt coroners' safety reminder
This past week has been marked by several fatal motor vehicle incidents on highways throughout British Columbia. Between Friday, July 5, and Wednesday, July 10, 2024, there were 19 accidental motor-vehicle-related deaths reported to the BC Coroners Service (BCCS). Twelve of those deaths occurred during three incidents reported in the Interior Health Authority. Collisions reported […]
Speed contributing factor in fatal crash in East Kootenay — RCMP
A single vehicle motor vehicle crash late Tuesday night has left three people dead RCMP said in a media release. RCMP said that on July 9, 2024, at approximately 10:30 p.m., Columbia Valley officers responded to a report of a single vehicle motor vehicle collision on Westside Road, near Panorama Drive, in Wilmer, BC, which […]
Op/Ed: Watershed security will require a billion-dollar investment
By Randy Shore, BCWF PR & Communications Specialist Watershed security funding is trickling out. We will need a torrent to futureproof our rivers, lakes, and forests. The B.C. Wildlife Federation and its partners have assessed and restored dozens of wetlands, rebuilding the natural infrastructure that kept our watersheds in balance for millennia. Natural, low-tech solutions […]
Government of BC: Prepare for heat
People throughout British Columbia are encouraged to be prepared for heat as many regions of the province will experience high temperatures beginning Friday, July 5, 2024. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has forecast increasingly hot temperatures for many parts of the province this weekend, and the Province is reminding people to plan ahead to […]
With B.C. heatwave looming, BC SPCA reminds the public that animals do not belong in hot vehicles
With temperatures nearing 30 degrees and beyond across the province this weekend, the BC SPCA is reminding the public that leaving pets in a hot vehicle can have life-threatening consequences. “We hear it all the time, ‘I was just running into the store, I was only gone a few minutes!’ but what many people don’t […]
Prince George RCMP continues investigation following drug overdose of teenager
Prince George RCMP said in a media release Tuesday that it is advising the public that the 16-year-old youth who was taken to hospital suffering from a drug overdose last week passed away over the weekend. RCMP said this investigation is still ongoing and is a top priority for the Serious Crime Unit. “Our thoughts […]
Province strengthens cancer care, expands access
A year into the 10-Year Cancer Care Action Plan to build capacity and expand access to cancer-care services to meet growing demand, more people in B.C. are benefiting from expanded screening, more access to diagnostic tests and better treatment. “The progress we have made in enhancing cancer care in just one year is a testament […]
Update: BC Highway Patrol continue investigation following a collision on Highway 97 near Lac la Hache
BC Highway Patrol are continuing to investigate the serious school bus collision on June 21, 2024, near Lac la Hache. RCMP said in a media release that prior to the collision, the school bus was on a class trip and had been travelling southbound on Highway 97, from Likely Highway, before going down a 50-foot […]
Wildsight mounts fight for endangered mountain caribou habitat in Seymour River watershed
Residents are being asked to help protect endangered mountain caribou habitat and old growth forests at risk of logging north of Salmon Arm, as part of a new Wildsight-organized campaign. Stella Jones and Pacific Woodtech’s proposed clearcuts would result in the combined destruction of 608 hectares of core caribou habitat and mature and old-growth stands […]