
PODCAST: How to save the world and make money with Rossland's Darrel Fry

About the podcast: The You Can Do That Here! podcast is produced by Andrew Zwicker of AZcreative for the Kootenay Association for Science and Technology. The podcast is a weekly series of 30 minute conversations with some of the most innovative and successful entrepreneurs in the Kootenays. You can CLICK PLAY on the triangle...

Kootenay Contraption Contest 2013 enlists Kootenay Kids to Solve Global Energy Crisis

Imagine the year is 2050. Wind and Solar have proliferated as clean, green, sources of electricity. As society has yet to teach Mother Nature to blow wind all day long, and that pesky issue of the sun only shining sometimes is fundamentally unchangeable, we need better ways of saving up the clean energy we make - so we can ...

FortisBC PowerSense asks residents to turn every hour into an 'Earth Hour'

For the fifth consecutive year, FortisBC is encouraging individuals and communities to pledge to reduce electricity and natural gas use during Earth Hour from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. March 23. “FortisBC PowerSense encourages customers to turn every hour into an ‘Earth Hour’ by making impactful changes that can reduce energy use and...

Kootenay Contraption Contest 2012 in full swing

Imagine the year is 2050. Gigantic, funny-shaped towers surround your view, a hovercraft zips by and of course, your robot butler hands you your drink. While we may still be far from this sort of scenario, one of the most important questions then (as now) is: “How will we use less energy?” KAST- GLOWS (Growing, Learning...

Advanced certificate in renewable energy technology launching May 2012

Selkirk College is addressing the increased demand for new renewable energy technical and design skills, with their new Advanced Certificate In Renewable Energy Technology launching in May 2012 at the Castlegar Campus. This intensive six-week program will build on an individual’s existing education and experience, to provide...

United States: How the stimulus revived the electric car

By Michael Grabell in ProPublica. A common criticism of President Obama's $800 billion stimulus package has been that it failed to produce anything – that while the New Deal built bridges and dams, all the stimulus did was fill some potholes and create temporary jobs. Don't tell that to Annette Herrera. She was 50 when the ...

Kootenay schools win Sony prizes for sharing environmental action stories

This spring two West Kootenay schools — six schools province-wide — have won Sony recording equipment for their participation in Science World British Columbia’s BC Green Games.Two schools from Kootenay Lake school district – LV Rogers Secondary and Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary – will be taking home new Sony equipment ...

Two young Nelson girls win Canada-Wide Science Fair in Toronto

Two Nelson girls dominated the podium at the 50th Canada-wide Science Fair recently in Toronto, bringing home gold and bronze in the junior category.Emma Borhi and Miranda Sherell of Trafalgar Junior Secondary competed against hundreds of the country’s brightest young scientific minds for medals, cash awards, scholarships and...

B.C. technology fuels clean hydrogen vehicles

The world's first small-scale hydrogen liquefaction plant will be built in North Vancouver. B.C.-based Hydrogen Technology and Energy Corporation (HTEC), and Sacré-Davey Engineering, along with international partner Air Liquide, are building this innovative, high-tech plant — with $870,000 in provincial funding. They will use...

Vehicle to grid storage and the future of electric vehicles

By CleanTechies Renewable energy sources like solar and wind only generate electricity when the wind blows or the sun is out and that isn't always when customers need power. Batteries large enough to hold megawatts of electricity are prohibitively expensive but another potential source of battery storage is fast emerging:...

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