
Canadian youth delegation releases policy requests delivered to Canadian government

As youth from across Canada prepare to depart for Durban, South Africa to participate in the next round of United Nations Climate Negotiations they have released a list of five policy changes submitted to the Canadian Delegation.  "These requests represent five things that Canada could do immediately to stop being part of the...

COMMENT: Making the case for electoral finance reform

Catching a politician with their hand in the cookie jar is far more juicy than actually building a better cookie jar, so it's little surprise that proposing changes to BC's electoral finance laws is hardly seen as sexy. But if voters truly want accountability and transparency restored to BC politics, it starts with prying the...

Nelson Municipal Election 2011: The talking is done; it all comes down to Saturday

For those about to vote, we salute you.Nelsonites, West Kootenay-ites and British Columbians will migrate to the polls Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., at Central School located at 811 Stanley Street. In Nelson, those eligible to vote (see below) will have to have their X’s ready to select one of three candidates for mayor —...

In 2009 BC Liberals proportionately outspent 2008 Obama campaign

Barack Obama has nothing on the BC Liberals when it comes to campaign spending, according to an estimate released today by IntegrityBC.  Relying on US Federal Election Commission (FEC) figures, IntegrityBC estimates that the 2008 Obama campaign cost $5.10 per registered voter compared to the $5.54 per voter spent by the BC ...

RDCK Election 2011: Three issues galvanized Mike Keegan to enter Area F race

By Mike Keegan My name is Mike Keegan and I was born and raised in Nelson graduating from LV Rogers High School in 1970.   How long have you lived in the regional district? I have spent all but three years after graduation living in the Nelson area, working at various career paths from starting at a young age in hotel management,...

RDCK Election 2011: Mountain of Area D work still left to be done for Andy Shadrack

For those who have a “to do” list longer than their arm, they can relate to incumbent Area D director Andy Shadrack.In letting his name stand for the third time in the largest regional district rural area in Central Kootenay, Shadrack was hoping to make more headway on the mountain of projects he has on his shoulders. Shadrack,...

RDCK Election 2011: Will Parker picks present as time to enter political fray in Area H

Although a raw rookie on the municipal political stage in the regional district, Will Parker has always been involved in politics and community affairs.Born and raised in the Slocan Valley, he grew up surrounded by a multitude of outspoken and radical political people: U.S. draft dodgers, back-to-the land folk, Doukhobors and...

RDCK Election 2011: Ron Greenlaw looks to carry on family tradition in Area D

For four generations Ron Greenlaw’s family has resided in regional district Area D’s Lardeau Valley.It is that sense of place and connection to the people who live in the valley — and the rest of Area D — that enticed Greenlaw into the public arena as he makes his bid for the directorship of the regional district area on Nov....

RDCK Election 2011: Walter Popoff anxious for second term as Area H director

Walter Popoff is one of two candidates — along with Will Parker — for the Regional District of Central Kootenay’s Area H, an area just northwest of Nelson that contains many of the people that build, work, shop and make the Heritage City what is really is. As the incumbent, we asked him some answers to a few questions as the...

RDCK Election 2011: Ramona Faust looks to keep the good work going in Area E

Ramona Faust is one of two candidates — along with Josh Smienk — for the Regional District of Central Kootenay’s Area E, an area just east of Nelson that contains many of the people that build, work, shop and make the Heritage City what is really is. As the incumbent, we asked her to send in some answers to a few questions ...

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