Carbon Pricing 101: How it Works
Carbon pricing can be confusing. Simply put, it’s designed to increase costs of burning polluting fossil fuels and encourage cleaner alternatives. It creates a financial incentive for people and businesses to pollute less. Rebates help keep household costs down. As of 2023, 73 global carbon-pricing instruments were in operation worldwide, covering around 23 per cent […]
Letter: Health Minister Dix not listening to residents need for dialysis unit at KLH
To The Editor: I am one of nine renal patients in the Nelson-Creston who must travel to the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBRH) because hemodialysis is not available at the Kootenay Lake Hospital (KLH). When I began dialysis in 2019, I was advised by the social worker at the KBRH Kidney Care Clinic to move […]
Letter: Canadian Cancer Society urgently seeking volunteer drivers to help cancer patients in Nelson
To The Editor: The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is calling on residents of Nelson, BC to help community members facing a cancer diagnosis by becoming a volunteer driver with our Wheels of Hope transportation program. Volunteer drivers not only provide a means for clients to get to and from cancer-related appointments, they also offer a […]
Op/Ed: Are you mad about the carbon 'tax'?
Editor’s Note: The article below focuses on the federal carbon pricing system; please be aware that in BC, the Province runs its own carbon pricing system, but the carbon price for each is the same, and both the federal and the BC systems have rebates – paid quarterly – to benefit low-income and medium-income households. […]
Monarchy, History, Malady, Memory
We do not make history, we are made by history. — Martin Luther King, jr. Our King “ … divinity … doth hedge a King.” — Shakespeare, Macbeth No one reading this is likely to think a king has anything divine about him, but for Shakespeare 400 years ago, — for subjects in Arabia and […]
COLUMN: Facts about methane (AKA 'natural' gas)
Global greenhouse gas emissions and temperatures are rising, causing more extreme and unpredictable weather and inflating costs for everything from food to health care. Meanwhile, the fossil fuel industry — largely responsible for the greatest crisis facing humanity — continues to rake in record profits. Oil executives want to keep it that way. For decades, […]
Letter: Current system is broken
To The Editor: The biggest insult we have to endure every day as Canadians, is being told we are a democracy, when in fact we are not, and looking at how our dysfunctional colonial political system is dividing and destroying our country has become a depressing reality. Poilievre is busy promoting his freedom (to do […]
Op/Ed: Sustainable stewardship
We are privileged to live in a beautiful part of the world, which has been stewarded with care by Indigenous communities since time immemorial. All of us who live here have an obligation to care for these lands, waters, plants, and animals, and to work towards a sustainable future. This is not only about preserving […]
Column: Thoughts on science and spirituality
“There are two paths that you can go by, but in the long run – There’s still time to change the road you’re on.” – Led Zeppelin, Stairway to Heaven “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.” — Albert Einstein Paths to knowledge Until the seventeenth century in Europe, our human species […]
Letter: BCWF joins Sparwood Fish & Wildife Association in opposition to coal mine
To The Editor: The B.C. Wildlife Federation is opposed to the open-pit coal mine proposed by NWP Coal Canada Ltd. for the heart of Elk Valley. We support the efforts of Sparwood Fish & Wildlife Association President Matt Huryn to stop this project before it starts. The Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) and Impact Assessment Agency […]