
New Democrats vote to fix gun registry

New Democrats said tonight's defeat of bill C-391 must be followed by a genuine attempt to fix the registry and unite rural, northern and urban Canadians. “I have spoken with many of my constituents in communities across my riding and heard the opinions of those on both sides of the issue," said Alex Atamanenko, M.P. for B.C....

Do we need a Police State Watch?

Last spring I wrote a column called “Is this what a police state looks like” in response to the dangerous police actions surrounding the G20 Summit in Toronto.  I argued–as many have–that police states don’t pop up full blown over night. They develop slowly in direct proportion to people’s willingness to accept new definitions...

Carole James: Say it ain't so!

NDP leader Carole James was so quiet for so long, many of her own supporters wondered where she was all summer.  With the HST and the Liberals imploding, it would have been a great time for the wanna-be Premier to show her stuff, to take the lead, to convince British Columbians she’s no wasteful socialist extremist. Then she...

DOBBIN: The beginning of a new era in politics

I confess that I did not, as promised, spend the summer thinking about the new paradigm of local, national and global politics. It was the perfect summer at my log cabin in Saskatchewan and I spent most of it swimming to the end of the lake and back, picking blueberries and swinging in my Mexican hammock.  But I did spend...

Gordon Campbell: The new Rocky Balboa?

I love BC politics.  It’s often more dramatic than some of the prime time offerings offered up for our entertainment on the big screen or the tube. And, whether you see him as the hero or the villain, Premier Gordon Campbell deserves an Oscar and an Emmy.He was on the canvas, bruised and beaten down; his enemies could smell his...

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