
Letter: Hold our governments accountable

To The Editor: BC is reeling from floods. A moment those who've paid attention to climate science have been dreading for decades. Ironically right after COP26. Despite BC's new forestry commitments, old growth is still being logged. And our tax dollars are still being used to subsidize fossil fuels. It's talk and log and frack...

Letter: No need for a hatchery on Kootenay Lake

To The Editor: Kootenay Lake has had two hatcheries during the last century. The more notable one was located in Nelson at the base of Cottonwood Falls operating from the early 1900s until about 1962. It was closed after numerous evaluations determined it did little to improve KL fishing. Its primary purpose evolved into...

LETTER: Honouring veteran members of the War Amps on Remembrance Day

To The Editor: As we approach Remembrance Day, I’d like to pay tribute to the veteran members of The War Amps. The War Amps was started by amputee veterans returning from the First World War to help each other adapt to their new reality as amputees. They then welcomed amputee veterans following the Second World War, sharing...

Letter: Local Youth to COP26

To The Editor: You may have heard about Costa Rica being one of the winners of the annual Earthshot Prize for their work in ecosystem restoration.  You may be aware that CBC has expanded their climate related programming from “In Our Backyard” and “What on Earth” to include “Our Changing Planet” a multi-platform series. At ...

Letter: Truck Loggers call on BC Government to take leadership role to solve Old Growth Forest dispute

To The Editor: For many years and more so in recent months, the BC Truck Loggers Association has called for a collective vision for forestry in our province. Earlier this month, we renewed the call and asked the BC government to facilitate the way forward, as a matter of urgency. Forestry has been at the forefront of media ...

Letter: Hold government accountable

To The Editor: This past summer, hundreds of wildfires blazed around the world. Driven by extreme heat waves, these fires made one thing abundantly clear: the climate crisis is at our doorsteps and our politicians simply are not acting at the scale and pace we need. For years, Justin Trudeau has tried to style himself as a ...

Letter: When are we going to learn?

To The Editor: Our society is facing three major crises killing our fellow citizens that cry out for individual moral power. Our human hearts are being asked to respond to the fourth wave of COVID-19, a climate emergency, and an opioid epidemic. Our actions with regard to the three crises we face are insufficient. Although ...

Letter: Election Promises

To The Editor: There is predictable certainty during election time: grand promises will be made minus the details of how those “deliverables” will actually be delivered, monitored and reported.  In the context of anthropogenic climate change, the same strategy is used with no mention that inertia will be one of the major...

Letter: We need political unity

To The Editor: I write about courage of convictions. Afghanistan has fallen. Will Canada admit its mistake making war there? I hope so. Some Nelsonites will know I protested our war there for a decade, on every Remembrance Day from 2002 to 2013, sometimes at personal risk from very angry members of the ceremony crowds. I hope...

LETTER: Resurgence of Covid-19 cases in Castlegar

Dear friends, We join in your excitement as we start to feel that our lives are normal again. It has been so wonderful to hug friends, see family, host a party and watch sports in person. But we are writing to caution you that COVID-19 is not gone. Wherever vaccination rates are lower we are seeing a resurgence of COVID-19 ...

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